
Why Cyber Bullying Bill Is Bad News For Bobi Wine

A recent proposal by Kampala Central MP Mohamed Nsereko to bring what he termed as ‘Cyber Bullying Bill’ has gained momentum within the ruling establishment, This news site exclusively reports.
The bill according to insider Inspectors is badly needed and must pass soonest if NUP principal Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine and his fans are to be legally neutralized.
“The truth is that he has teens. Majority of those aged 14-17years are hyper politically active. They have got smart phones which they are using recklessly” an inspector explained.


A few months ago Nsereko attracted unsolicited publicity after he proposed a law to curtail use of smart phones and internet. He said many people were using their smart phones to blackmail others and depict them in bad image to the public.
And the situation is worsened when those messages and pictures are shared several times on social media. Nsereko termed this as cyber bulling which needed a law to be stopped. However, the opposition immediately barked at him saying he was being used by government to gag the opposition that seems to be the main beneficiary of social media. The opposition usually uses social media to expose alleged government nasty actions including gloomy pics of alleged tortured victims and other excesses.
Now, we are told that even as Nsereko seems to be mute about the bill, it is badly needed in the run up to the 2026 general elections.


In trying to make it appear necessary, the bill will among other things have a section that obliges the ministry of education and sports to include in it’s school curriculum a topic on use of gadgets by youths. This proposed clause will state that the gadgets are strictly supposed to be used for evidence filling purposes in court but not sharing (negatives) from one person to another.
The parents will first of all, be informed that the bill is necessary in order to protect the cultural perspectives in the face of the global village such that the children do not get recruited into immoral behavior such as homosexuality. Secondly, in that very topic on use of gadgets, the students will be taught to love their country/patriotism.
“There is no parent or MP who will oppose such a proposal. Who wants his or daughter get exposed to gayism? It will definitely pass in parliament” says an inspector knowledgeable on this issue.


According to Inspectors, currently there is growing concern that the use of smart phones in demonizing government is on the rise. A close analysis of the mobile phone usage indicated that the youth are the majority when it comes to owning these gadgets. Among these youths are teens aged between 14-17years. These are said to be all pro-Bobi Wine even though they are not voters.

“These boys are hyper active. Many governments that have fallen; these boys have been key in bringing those revolutions. You saw even NRA had kadogos. These are the people. In US, they were very active in Trump campaigns. They only belong to their generation and want things done the way they think” says an inspector.
For Uganda’s case, the same boys are reported to be the ones acting as Bobi’s foot soldiers dishing out campaign materials, playing his music and recruiting others. They are also reported to be having great influence on some of their parents especially mothers. They are also reported to be busy on internet sharing all sorts of information that is promoting ‘hate’ for government.

“As you can see, there is no law that prohibits them from expressing their opinion. They are only stopped from voting but not participating. What is provided by the law expressly is a right and what is not prohibited by the law is also a right. So, this is where our challenge as NRM, is. This second model of right (not prohibited) is what we need to cure earliest” an inspector said.
According to the plotters, government thinks the 1995 constitution has generational gaps which need to be fixed as early as possible especially on use of gadgets. It is claimed that the 1962 constitution was formulated to answer issues of post colonialism while that of 1995 constitution was answering issues of Uganda’s past turbulent times.
“The 1962 constitution was basically a transition constitution from colonialism to independence and was modelled based on the British system. That generation didn’t last long hence the 1966 crisis which led to another pigeon hole constitution (1967).” Explains as inspector.

The Inspector goes on ‘the 1995 constitution is an ideological one and based so much on the turbulent times of Uganda at the time. It dwelt more on rectifying the mistakes of the past and didnt see the future’
According to Inspectors, this is the reason president Museveni has kept on pushing ammendments including that of term limits and age limits scrapping because these were unforeseen at the time of it’s promulgation.
“It was inevitable. Therefore, where gaps have appeared, parliament has had an opportunity to fill those gaps to suit the prevailing situation of the global village” the inspector explained.
It was stated that Uganda’s constitution as it stands now according to NRM strategists is being overtaken by generational gaps where new factors especially in technology have over taken it.

“Especially the youths have got phones and it’s their right. However, how do we make them responsible in using them? The print media is being regulated and has its own ethical values in a given set of professional principles. But on social media, everyone is a reporter, an editor and circulator. You get something and just forward! The only way to protect society which has no access to these gadgets is through legislation. Hence the Nsereko bill” explained an inspector.
It is stated that this legislation will act as checks and balances where law enforcement officers cannot readily reach.
“It encourages responsibility regardless of age. You will not transmit declaration forms if passed. You will have them on your phone and only wait to present them in court as evidence. We want to make those smart phones useless when it comes to politics. No sending things fwaaaa (anyhow). With this bill, 2026 will be a mere walk over” our Inspectors said. It is not clear whether Nsereko still has interest in the bill or he has since yielded to opposition pressure.
Watch the space!

Tags : BOBI WINEMP Mohamed NserekoNUP


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