

John Baptist Nambetshe

Now security minister Maj. Gen. Jim Katugugu Muhwezi, once caused a sarcastic laughter to his boss Gen. Yoweri Museveni at Rwakitura.
Apparently, the NRA bush war historical appeared before Museveni’s Adhoc Issues Committee chaired by Margaret Zziwa where he poured his heart out saying he was being witch-hunted by his own party members. Jim according to Inspectors, didn’t mention any name but gave a blanket statement alluding to his hitherto continued stay on katebe at the time. In his explanation, Jim seemed to suggest that his troubles were related to the GAVI funds saga which according to him, he was never given a chance to explain himself and the role he played. To him, the GAVI scandal was actually a thing of the Bazungu who wanted him to award some contracts to their cronies but when he put his foot on the ground, they ‘crafted’ the hair raising GAVI scandal putting him on the cross and Museveni believed it!
Now, Zziwa and her team went to meet Museveni at Rwakitura explaining part by part of their report.

“Your Excellency, Jim told the committee that he’s being witch-hunted” Zziwa told Museveni to which he opened his eyes like a chameleon aiming at a fly, and retorted thus ‘Jim? That he’s being witch-hunted? Hahaha’
Museveni (though he later answered Muhwezi by reappointing him to cabinet) didn’t pursue it further but those around, took it that he disapproved of his alleged statement!
This is the exactly what’s happening in Magere, the tactical home for NUP principal Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine!

Omugisu John Baptist Nambetshe, the MP for Manjiya in Bududa has opened an all out war against his party. On Saturday, he appeared on Elgon FM 101.1 owned by another Bobi nemesis Nathan Nandala Mafabi, the embattled FDC secretary general also MP Budadiri West in Sironko. Nambetshe was connected via phone and the show hosted by Emma Bwayo featured other panelists from Museveni’s camp.

Nambetshe was asked why didn’t deliver the position of LoP to Bugisu and the members on the panel challenged him to return to Museveni’s NRM fold where he used to belong before joining NUP.
“Before he announced the reshuffle, there was a committee which sat and I participated. I argued that the NUP party can only demonstrate a national character either by appointing me (Mugisu) or Manjeri (Jinja city Woman). I told Principal this but he didn’t listen. I saw that my argument was not being taken as a sensible one and I stormed out of the meeting in protest” he told the listeners, adding that he gets nothing out of being Chief Whip.

Barrister Peter Mashate Mashate

“The appointment of (Joel) Ssenyonyi as LoP clearly shows NUP is a Baganda affair. What I can tell you, I don’t need NUP ticket to win an election and NUP is strong in Bugisu because of me. I am going to expose Principal (Bobi) next weekend (this Saturday) when I come in person (on the radio)” so, he promised listeners according to Inspectors.


Apparently, no one among leaders in parliament is willing to reveal this. However, Inspectors told us that besides Bobi having wanted to appease Kampala region also which overwhelmingly voted his NUP thereby appointing Ssenyonyi, Nambetshe was an alleged victim of a salient law being enforced by Bobi and his inner circle.

We’re informed that Bobi wants all politicians (of course MPs) who have served for two terms to rest and give chance to others to take over leadership positions. Ssenyonyi is a first timer MP and clearly fits into the new calculation by Magere officials while Nambetshe in case he returns for nomination, will be seeking the ‘abominable’ third term! The same alleged secret law at Magere affected the likes of Mathias Mpuuga, Medard Sseggona, Betty Nambooze, Muwanga Kivumbi, among others who are seen by Bobi inner circle as having turned parliament into a ‘limited company ‘ of sorts. Many of such members according to Inspectors are likely to find it hard to get NUP flag again.

Eng. Irene Nafuna Muloni

“Principal came for only half a term and he quit. But you find some people have been in parliament since 1996 (NRM). What type of leadership are we building? We have many ghetto graduates who are capable of serving but are being suffocated by those who use money to buy votes because they are financially well off. Two terms are enough” explained an inspector adding that, Magere is also concerned that ratings for long serving (three terms plus) MPs is usually low in parliament because they are busy cracking deals or running into hiding because of money lenders.

“We must come, serve and leave the stage. Those who do not want to leave, the NUP storm will sweep them. Youths want to serve also. You can’t talk of removing Museveni when we have tired men and women deciding for youths because they have overstayed in parliament. They attach no value to their work in parliament” an Inspector explained.
We’re told, as Nambetshe promises to unleash his ‘bombshell’, speculation is also rife that he’s on his way back to Museveni’s NRM fold where no such terms on MPs exist. We’re informed his perceived possible return will only depend on what terms Gen. Museveni has for him. Chances are high that he might be oiled to demobilize all NUP cells in Bugisu in this year or be appointed to cabinet although this might annoy NRM diehards in the subregion.

We’re told Museveni himself is tired of opposition members who claim to be defecting but in actual sense want money from him.
“They come with a lot of demands. And when you give them and my people (NRM) hear about this, they become angry and I end up creating another opposition within my party” an inspector quoted Museveni as saying recently when a group of FDC wanted to defect but with huge demands.

Dr. Sarah Wasagali Kanaabi


History has shown that majority male defectors usually lose the next election. As Nambetshe faces the alleged law against third term in NUP, he will also have to struggle explaining to his voters why he defected to NRM in case he decides to. This is exactly what happened to Daniel O’Mara Atubo and Aggrey Awori who were both appointed to cabinet but never won the subsequent election of 2011 after defecting. They also lost their cabinet seats immediately they lost polls.

Interestingly, NRM members themselves, are usually more than ready to detonate their political bombs against any new comer once he or she is appointed to cabinet. In Bugisu, Museveni already has strong cadres with no ideological deficiencies to help him deliver his victory among whom according to Inspectors include Eng. Irene Nafuna Muloni, Barrister Peter Magomu Mashate, Dr. Sarah Wasagali Kanaabi and educationist Rose Mutony not forgetting Magode Ikuya and Lydia Wanyoto. These according to Inspectors only need to be empowered to extinguish NUP which is said to be moving by ‘gravity’ due to lack of empowered NRM ideologists to divert it’s (NUP) natural flow. Watch this space!

Tags : BOBI WINENRMUganda Parliament


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