
UHRC Reveals Names Of Missing NUP Supporters, Pins NUP Leaders On Inflating Figures

By Our Reporter

The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) says families of the missing NUP supporters are complicating efforts by the commission to establish their whereabouts.
The commission chaired by Hajat Mariam Wangadya, noted that whereas the human rights watchdog tried to reach out to the next of kin of these missing individuals, in some cases, the families were uncooperative or unresponsive. This she said, added what she called a complexity to the investigations.

In it’s latest report regarding alleged missing persons released yesterday, the commission acknowledged that 18 individuals remain unaccounted for.
Those still unaccounted for include Moses Mbabazi (Kawenja), Dennis Zzimula, Shafik Wangolo, Martin Lukwago, Peter Kirya, John Ddamulira, Micheal Ssemudu, Muhammad Kanata, John Bosco Kibalama and Vincent Nalumonso. Others include Patrick Yuda Ssempija, Mbowa Musisi, Mustafa Luwemba, Hassan Mubiru, Isma Ssesazi, Godfery Kisembo, George Kasumba, and Joseph Baguma.

Wangadya however, put it to NUP leaders that they were telling falsehoods about the number of purported missing individuals. She explained that whereas it is true there are 18 individuals still unaccounted for, it’s wrong for NUP leaders to claim that the number is 30 since 12 of the alleged members were arrested in connection with other offenses. She said that the extra 12 people, have either been released on police bond or court bail.

This controversy arose from a petition to UHRC by NUP secretary general Lewis Rubongoya suggesting that a total of 30 of their people had gone missing.
“During our investigation, it was found that some of those reported missing had changed their narratives or failed to provide sufficient evidence to support their allegations” said UHRC boss Mariam Wangadya as she presented the findings on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
She said the investigation showed that NUP had provided false information regarding the missing persons and individuals allegedly tortured by security agencies.

According to her, some individuals initially reported as torture victims were later found to have been involved in road accidents.
“This discovery has led the UHRC to question the credibility of the complainants” she revealed adding that NUP had not provided National Identity card numbers for a majority of the alleged missing individuals, making it challenging for the commission to verify their existence.
NUP principal Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine has been in the media alleging abduction, disappearance, and imprisonment of their supporters.

The UHRC urged it’s line committee on human rights in parliament to make their report on the alleged missing NUP supporters public.
Yesterday, opposition MPs stormed out of parliament demanding government explanation on what they called continued harassment and arrest of their leaders and supporters the last incident having taken place on Monday during independence day. The police however, explained that the police intervention was based on a tip off that the NUP leaders and supporters planned to hold illegal protests.



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