
Excitement As Afghan Refugees Jet In

Such hotties jetted in already

The ministry of foreign affairs has confirmed partial arrival of Afghan refugees considered to be at high risk.
The arrival follows a deal struck between US and Uganda government to host about 2000 Afghan refugees after the Taliban ousted government that side.

The news of the arrival of the first batch totaling 51 nationals has been communicated by the ministry in a statement issued this morning. The ministry says more Afghans are soon touching base at Entebbe.

The refugees arrived on a private jet and these included women, men and kids.
“These underwent the necessary security screening as well as the mandatory Covid testing and the required quarantine procedures” it says.

Sadly though, whereas it had been arranged that some Ugandans would arrive on the same jet, these were unable to make. We understood that accessing the airport in the Kabul is a big gamble for now, the reason they had planned to come along with this batch.

However, Government says arrangements are being made to bring Ugandans stuck in Afghanistan in the subsequent flights.
“Uganda and US enjoy long standing cordial bilateral relations which are historic in nature and continue to pursue common interests for mutual benefit of both countries” the ministry headed by Gen. Abubakar Odongo Jeje says.
However, news that some refugees especially students are heading to neighbouring Rwanda to further their studies has left some men in Uganda heartbroken.

“I feel like going to Rwanda and do mu business there” says one Kenny upon hearing reports on BBC that some were to be taken to Rwanda for studies.

Others in different parts of the country have received the news with similar excitement an indication that the refugees are warmly welcomed according to our Field Inspectors (FIP).

Tags : Afghan refugeesUganda


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