
Stinging Report Pins RDCs On Spreading Deadly HIV In The North

By Milly Babirye Babalanda

Fire this, fire that is the word on the lips of several officers within the presidency in respect of current RDC lineup.
We have it on proper grounds that the current untamed brutal murders by gangs operating in Greater Masaka has widened opinions within the presidency whether some RDCs are still necessary or should be weeded out.

What is bothering the presidency is why these officials who are fully facilitated with luxurious vehicles, fat salaries and guards cannot deliver and yet they are the heads of district security committees.
“The districts have all been reduced to almost the size of a sub-county. This therefore, makes their work easier since the area of policing is tiny. But why is it that crime is rampant? We are seeing a rise in murders, rape and other forms of insecurity happening. This therefore, means we must send many of them back home and where necessary prosecute some for negligence” a top inspector told this news site.

In fact, we are told a file detailing the performance of RDCs and their deeds is being compiled and soon heads will roll courtesy of presidency minister Milly Babalanda.
Inspectors revealed that actually, many RDCs were posted without due background checks on them but just because they had the backing of some politicians. This is the reason one finds a particular district having more than three individuals posted as RDCs in various districts.

“You can see, someone just brought his her people but without paying attention to the idea of delivering results this is why we are seeing some RDCs being involved in unnecessary behavior. Some are grabbing women, others have become land brokers. Unfortunately, the criminals use this weakness to unleash terror on wanainchi” an inspector added.

In fact, this news site understands that there are several petitions before the president where locals in the north are complaining about the work of some randy RDCs. For example, we chanced on a petition from Lango district of Alebtong where sick women and NRM supporters were pinning the area RDC on concentrating on love affairs instead of securing the district.

The petition is tagged as ‘Restricted’ and is entitled as “Petition from NRM supporters and sick people from Alebtong Health Center IV Against Mr. Otti Kenneth-RDC Alebtong And Request For His Removal”
“Your Excellency, we supporters and sick (expectant mothers) from Alebtong wish to register our grievances against the RDC” the petition begins.

The stinging dossier lists nine counts allegedly committed by this RDC among which includes alleged women grabbing.
At the time, this RDC had allegedly just been chased away from Toronto for various reasons ranging from what they claimed drunkenness, spreading a strange disease to people’s daughters and women among others. This man according to the dossier we accessed was also accused of causing divisions within the NRM camp in the district by siding with some political aspirants for parliament.

“The first thing the RDC did on arrival in Alebtong was to fall in love (sexual relationship) with LCV councilor (names withheld) a very brown woman and very sexually active. He is now moving with this woman as his walking stick forcing people of Alebtong to vote her in 2016 and woman MP even before going through NRM primaries” the petition reads in part.

In addition, the RDC was accused of pocking his nose into the financial administration of the district. Here, they claimed that the RDC who was an auditor by training allegedly became an advisor to the CAO and several district bosses. It is claimed that on weekends, they would meet with other district officials and craft means of how to siphon public funds.

“This is part of the money he rented for his new catch the councilor (names withheld) in Lira town at a place called Uhuru bar. It is here that they meet for sexual enjoyment. This implies that every night the RDC leaves his duty station and sleeps in a different district-Lira yet he is the chairman security” they claimed.

It goes on “your Excellency, councilor (names withheld) is a girlfriend to the RDC and is being funded by negative people to dislodge NRM aspirants loyal to you. The RDC brags that his godfather in NRM who recommended him for appointment works at government media center (names withheld) and no one can touch him”
The petition suggests that the president needed to do more investigation against this RDC and they requested for his removal as he was ‘unfit’ to represent him in Lango.

Fred Bamwine was moved to Nakaseke

“Your Excellency, this sadist and unprofessional conduct of this RDC are clear facts that the recent lots of RDC postings to Lango sub-region are not senior cadres. The excellent mobilisers were maliciously removed because they had no godfathers and mothers. Instead, they were replaced by very old, weak, cowards and incompetent RDCs” the petition summed up.

We couldn’t get a comment from the RDC in question as his known phone wasn’t available. However, whether true or not, our Inspectors said the presidency minister is doing thorough investigation on such information, the reason the RDC major reshuffle is yet to happen. Already, the minister a few days ago fired Masaka RCC Fred Bamwine after failing to contain several brutal murders in Masaka. She has also gone ahead to streamline the work of presidential advisors and wants them to be more visible on the ground than ever before. The presidential advisors are supposed to monitor government programs and in a way will be spying on the work of RDCs. So far over 20 people have been murdered by panga-wielding men.
Watch this space!

Tags : minister Milly BabalandaRDC BamwineUganda Government


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