
Pastor Bujingo wants to kill me: City lawyer tells court, seeks Shs2bn Security

Bujingo with Suzan Makula

Love-mad city Pastor Aloysius Bujingo of the house of prayer ministries is in trouble of losing Shs2bn for allegedly threatening to kill a city lawyer he branded as a ‘pig’. The obsessed man of God’s troubles follow fresh charges slapped on him by city lawyer, Hassan Kiwanuka Male Mabirizi.


In a notice of motion filed at the Entebbe Chief Magistrate’s Court vide Criminal Application No. 1 of 2022, Mabirizi wants court to find Bujingo guilty of contempt of court, threatening to kill him and also insulting him by calling him a busy body and a pig without direction. In the same suit, Mabirizi further accuses Bujingo of threatening his witnesses and stopping them from cooperating with him in relation to an earlier case where he sued Bujingo over bigamy vide Criminal Case no. 666 of 2021.

Accordingly, Mabirizi wants court to force Bujingo to execute a cash security bond of Shs2,000,000,000 with sureties to guard him against disturbing the public tranquility and for his good behavior in relation to his Bigamy case.

According to Mabirizi, Bujingo has gone overboard with his violations of the sub judice rule which restricts the public from discussing matters going on before a competent court. “He takes every available opportunity to arrogantly insult the public and all those he believes are against his affair with lover Makula,” Mabirizi told The Inspector.

In this regard, Mabirizi accuses Bujingo of undermining the competency and powers of court, threatening his witnesses from cooperating with him and “being harsh, insulting, vulgar, and threatening private prosecutor Male H. Mabirizi K Kiwanuka with death & violence.

The cases

In his affidavit received in court on January 3, 2022, Mabirizi notes that he decided to press new charges on Bujingo after noticing that the city pastor has resorted to behaving in a contemptuous manner and uttering statements relating to the bigamy case in court. He notes for instance that on December 27, 2021, the plaintiff wrote to a select group of people who attended Bujingo and Makula’s introduction ceremony at Bwerenga to act as witnesses in his case. The witnesses include: prof. pastor Simeon Kayiwa, social critic Frank Gashumba, Salt Media General manager James Senkubuge Siasa, comedian Kato Lubwama and journalists Isaac Katende Kasuku, Jv Sserwaniko, Dickson Mubiru, Nancy Kabahumuza and Susan Nalwoga.

Male wrote to the above people weeks after he had filed a criminal case of illegal marriage and bigamy among others against Bujingo and Makula on December 8, 2021.

Mabirizi, however, claims that the above people refused to honour his invitation by abusing him, insulting and telling him off.

On December 30, 2021, Mabirizi says he learnt the reason for their rude behavior when he saw Bujingo threatening whoever dare cooperates with him on matters pertaining to the case.

During the same service that was aired live on Salt TV, Mbairizi says Bujingo ridiculed court when he said he is a very powerful man of god who cannot be subjected to earthly courts by “stupid people like me”.

That Bujingo, through innuendo, went on to call Mabirizi as “Mabizzi” to mean pigs. “he said that I am a pig just moving around without direction, a mere nuisance and a busy body who would die soon for fighting a man of God,” Mabirizi states in his affidavit.

On the backdrop of the above, Mbairizi now prays to court that the Shs2bn security bond (which he is seeking under article 126 & 128(1-2) of the constitution) remains in force until final determination of the main suit. He also wants Bujingo committed to prison until he pays and executes the said cash security to court.

Tags : MALE MABIRIZIPastor Bujingo


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