
M7 Aide cautions public on Opposition Lies As Lockdown lifted

Faruk Kirunda

Deputy Presidential Press Secretary Faruk Kirunda has cautioned the general public to be wary of lies from the opposition politicians.

Kirunda made the appeal in a tweet in reaction to the lifting of the Covid-19 lockdown by President Yoweri Museveni. In his new year’s message, Museveni revealed that government had resolved to fully reopen the economy after almost two years, citing the need by Ugandans to go back to earning their livelihoods which have been restricted by the ban.

The president made good a promise he made to Ugandans earlier this year. In that address, Museveni noted that the lockdown had caused untold suffering to Ugandans, adding that government was committed to reopening the economy given that it had scored on key covid-19 prevention and treatment measures; most especially vaccination.

However, many opposition politicians, most prominently former presidential candidate Joseph Kabuleta. In a missive he issued out, Kabuleta revealed that he had got information that Museveni and his Covid scientists and advisors were mooting the extension of the lockdown for more weeks, ostensibly to contain the spread of the highly contagious Omicron coronavirus strain.

Kirunda, however, quickly dispelled Kabuleta’s claims, calling them empty speculations. Kirunda noted that all indications were that Museveni was bent on lifting the lockdown and reopening the economy having felt the plight of Ugandans.

And indeed, the president vindicated Kirunda by making good his word. In response, Kirunda taunted the pessimistic politicians who fed Ugandans on lies thus dampening their spirits.

“Politicians and naysayers who predicted another lockdown, what are they saying now? Will people listen to them again? Thank you@KagutaMuseveni for scoring new victory against the pandemic,” Kirunda tweeted.

It is worth noting that as earlier promised, President Museveni fully reopened the economy, directing schools to begin operations on January 10, while bars, discos and concerts will reopen two weeks later on January 24.

Tags : Frank KirundaNATIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENTNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni

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