
Minister Babalanda Guides New RDCs/RCCs on the Heavy Task Ahead

Minister Milly Babalanda

The Minister for Presidency Milly Babalanda has told the newly appointed Resident District/City Commissioners (RDCs/RCCs) to stay focused, saying their new assignment is very fundamental since it has come at a time when Uganda is mobilizing towards middle income status.

On Wednesday, President Yoweri Museveni appointed new RDCs/RCCs and their Deputies.

In a statement issued on Friday, Minister Babalanda said the new RDCs are not the best by comparison but they were identified by the President, so they should use the chance to make their special contribution towards the development of Uganda.

“I am pleased to congratulate the newly appointed RCCs, RDCs and Deputies upon your appointments,” Hon. Babalanda said.

She also guided the new team on what it should focus on as far as government’s critical interest is concerned.

“You should mobilize for total community security, deeply mobilize the population for enhanced household incomes including promotion of the parish development model, enhance improved service delivery in all areas of government service delivery, fight corruption on all fronts and resist all forms of illegal land evictions,” the Minister noted.

According to Ms Babalanda, the RDCs and RCCs are the five sensory organs of the Presidency (namely; seeing, hearing, perceiving, smelling, tasting).

“The new RDCs/RDCs and Deputies will be inducted in the above areas before assuming office. After the induction exercise they will take over office.”

The Minister also asked all the outgoing RDCs/RCCs and deputies to hand over office to the District Internal Security Officers -DISOs by Thursday March 31, 2022.

“I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our outgoing RDCs/RCCs and the deputies who have served in these positions with such diligence and dedication. Thank you for a good job well done.The President’s Office will continue to consult with you to further promote the office of the RDC.”

On the other hand, Ms Babalanda further revealed that the newly appointed RDCs/RCCs will receive their appointment letters on Tuesday March 29, 2022 while the deputies will get theirs on Wednesday March 30, 2022.

” The exercise will start at 8.00 am at the Office of the President, old building; Human Resource Department. Please carry your National IDs. Thereafter you will be required to prepare for the induction exercise.

“At the same time; I wish to appeal to the outgoing staff to continue serving your people in your different capacities especially; to mobilize the masses on pertinent issues such as wealth creation, parish development model and security enhancement.” she said.

Tags : Milly Babirye BabalandaRCCRDC


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