
Amb. Rebecca Otengo Counsels New RDCs, RCCs On Their New Roles

Amuge Otengo

Uganda’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the AU H.E Rebecca Amuge Otengo has encouraged newly appointed RDCs and RCCs to ensure that they use their new positions to fully monitor service delivery.
“To our newly appointed and re-appointed RCCs, DRCCs, RDCs, DRDCs, I say Congratulations to all of you. Your appointment is a symbol of great trust from the appointing authority HE&CiC. It comes at the time when Uganda is poised to take off in her plan for socio-economic development as articulated in the NDP3, Uganda Vision 2040, AU Agenda 2063 and the SDGs” she said.

Otengo went on ‘You will be tasked with overseeing the improvement of service delivery to our people. Using the new approach of PDM, it means you will be on the steering wheel on behalf of HE&CiC. Do your best to make the program work. I believe through cooperation in your districts, we shall all succeed’
She also urged those NRM committed cadres who missed out on the list not to despair.

“Remain calm, God’s timing shall always remain the best. Your time and location shall come as destined by the Lord. To those who were replaced, we appreciate your contribution especially during the last elections of 2021. Continue offering advice for the good of the Party and wellbeing of the Citizenry. You have a wealth of experience which we shall continue tapping from, and therefore; I request all of you to remain committed, remembering that in every situation God still has something to say. Thank you” Otengo counseled.

The ambassador who also ably steered the ministry for northern Uganda during the 9th parliament, also commended the minister for presidency for work well done, but however urged her to always listen to issues brought to her for her attention.
“To my dear sister the Minister for Presidency, I appreciate the great work you are doing, open your ears to some complaints, use it to check your environment, if they’re false then ignore, if there is some truth, get the culprits off your path, we trust your integrity as a devoted God fearing Lady. Where suspicions become persistent, in management we are advised to take that into Account be it formally or informally. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.” Otengo who is also Uganda’s representative to UNECA and IGAD counseled.

The former woman MP for Alebtong was also mindful of the fact that there are some RDCs and RCCS who were transferred. These she guided shouldn’t treat their transfer as a punishment but only serves to help them network.
“Never treat transfer as a punishment, instead it’s an opportunity for you to learn more and widen your network” she guided. To give them more confidence that it wasn’t a punishment, Otengo cited a practice in the 1960s where civil servants were transferred from the comfort zones of their home districts or regions to other districts.

“My late Dad was transfered from Lango to Ankole as Education Officer. He took it positively and went to his new station but some out-rightly rejected the transfers. They treated it as punishment by exiling them away from home. My late Dad was well received and integrated amongst the people of western Uganda. He planted a mastard seed of Legacy, and to date; I can testify on behalf of my family that our best friends, relatives, sympathisers and allies still remain the people of Western Uganda. Myself, I’m a great beneficiary of that one decision that my late Dad made” she said before advising them to make use of this history.

Meanwhile, Otengo has also conglatulated the newly elected speaker of parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Among and her deputy Thomas Tayebwa upon their new positions. She also commended the NRM CEC and caucus for enabling this to happen after they endorsed the duo’s flagbearership.
Otengo’s guidance come at a time when reports indicated that one of the RDCs from Bugisu who was knifed collapsed upon hearing of news of his job loss.

Tags : NRMRDCRebecca Amuge Otengo


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