
How House Staff Are On Tenterhooks Over Speaker Oulanyah ‘Poison’ Saga!

Massive job loss among the staff of Parliament is looming; this news site’s Field Inspectors (FIP) have learnt. The planned screening targets recruitment procedure, academic qualifications and performance appraisals among existing parliament staff. The staff are supposed to reapply for their jobs and most of them are on firing line.

Our Inspectors have revealed that this matter has been heightened by fears that some crooks among the house staff could have had a hand in a botched assassination of speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah by way of alleged poisoning. Oulanyah is fresh from hospital after two months battling a strange illness that according to our Inspectors, had finished some of his internal organs in the tummy.

No wonder, our Inspectors revealed; Oulanyah as he was being evacuated to hospital abroad, he kept shouting (complaining) on top of his voice that ‘stomach, stomach’
His handlers we are told kept comforting him but the situation was getting out of hand.
“He was first taken to Nairobi but we feared that mafia could follow him or might have agents there. The president quickly ordered that he’s taken further abroad possibly UK” our Inspectors revealed.

On reaching there, the doctors allegedly performed a quick but scientific operation on the speaker only to discover that some of his internal organs in the stomach (names withheld for privacy purposes) had been badly affected by the ‘chemical attack’
“Some of them had turned pale and others had started dysfunctioning. Some special operation (withheld) had to be performed. It was a terrible situation which I think the president seemed to be the savior at the time. His quick decision for further management of the situation helped a lot” our Inspectors revealed.

In fact, reports suggest that Museveni is not resting until he gets to know the forces behind this alleged chemical attack on Oulanyah. He has since directed his men to comb all possible avenues to establish if this was poisoning or something else. Initially, it was suspected that the speaker had been attacked by the deadly Covid which at the time was ravaging top officials in government and society.

We are told, Museveni thinks there could have been foul play though his man was saved.
Oulanyah on Sunday went to All Saints cathedral for a thanksgiving prayer in company of minister Ruth Nankabirwa and former premier John Patrick Amama Mbabazi for special prayers. Workholic Oulanyah was favored by president Museveni for this position and he defeated his rival Rebecca Kadaga on a margin of over 113 votes but he fell sick shortly after assuming office.

Now inspectors suggest that all efforts are being made to leave no stone unturned. The first causalities are the house staffs.
The first of all, have been banned from accessing Parliamentary canteen and bar. They are not supposed to dine from there anymore.

Instead, the staff have been asked to either look for food from vendors outside or dine from the open space that exists on Eastern Wing and overlooking National Theatre.
The same staff are not supposed to park in Parliamentary parking. They should find parking elsewhere.
“The Police has been directed to implement these directives. None MPs are not supposed to dine with MPs in the canteen or bar anymore” an inspector revealed.

However, the parking issue we are told is sparking a revolt of sorts as former commissioners during speaker Edward Ssekandi’s last reign insist that the decision to construct new house parking was premised on the fact that staff also get parking. This has been the norm on grounds that the staff are the ones who carry sensitive gadgets where MPs’ work is kept and therefore must have a secure parking. The commission (then) had members including Kasule Lumumba, Guma Gumisiriza, Hamson Obua, Ibi Florence Ekwau and Ogenga Latigo LoP.

“What these MPs are not telling us is that most of them are indebted. They therefore hide their cars in the parking to dupe money lenders. You find someone has three cars parked here. Why? Others use the parking to sell their vehicles. The staff are the engine of this parliament, but why mistreat them?” An inspector quoted the mood.
On top of this, those who got jobs under favoritism by way of relations with the former administration of Parliament are sweating plasma.

For now, a proposal is being mooted to have all house staff reapply for their jobs.
“The proposal is to ditch all pro-Kadaga remnants and these are many. Secondly, they want all staff to start getting contracts yet the practice has been that their jobs are permanent and pensionable” inspectors explained.
We are informed that the Ssekandi commission made restructuring in the house departments and put staff on permanent and pensionable basis in order to help them on retirement.

“The pensions scheme was created to cater for those who will be retiring. If you put them on contract, what’s the fate of the pensions scheme? It is going to crash. Is the plan meant to erase efforts of former speakers Ssekandi and Kadaga or it’s for helping strength the departments in parliament?” An inspector added.

  1. Ekirapa Ruth Byoona. She has been in the Directorate of Leader of Opposition but now, she’s been taken to the pool.
  2. Ngolobe: He has been the Director transport. He has since been taken to office of the clerk with no job description.
  3. Walube: He has been the head of Hansard department. However, details from inspectors suggest he has been suffering from an ailment that nearly paralyzed his body. He’s therefore on and off. Inspectors revealed that Walube is allegedly under fire to explain his irregularity at workstation and also why there’s heavy backlog. Inspectors however, claim that his health troubles started way back in 2012 and has been on and off. He was only kept around on compassionate grounds to help him survive. Secondly, the ministry for gender, labor and social affairs through its occupational safety directorate allegedly closed the house’s printery on grounds of not meeting required health standards. This closure reportedly occured two years back hence affecting the timely outting of the Hansard. We are told, for the last two weeks, Walube has allegedly been summoned to explain his misdeeds and why he shouldn’t be shown the exit.
    Another Directorate facing intense screening soon is that of communication and public affairs. This explains why both speaker, deputy speaker and LoP have since recruited their personal media persons to manage their media and publicity affairs.
    “There’s total fire and panic among staff. Most of them are now hanging. They are in the pool/corridor” says our Inspectors.
    Watch out for more details about staff and their nature of recruitment. Inspectors are on the ground!
    Quick Total Recovery Rt. Hon. Speaker
Tags : John Patrick Amama MbabaziParliament of UgandaPoisonPrime MinisterSpeaker Jacob OulanyahYoweri Museveni



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