
Inside Gen. YK Museveni’s Pool Of Women

VP Alupo welcomes Sevo at Kololo yesterday

Exclusive details regarding President Museveni’s percieved pool of women are today being exposed.
The president while at Kololo yesterday, boasted that 36% of his cabinet seats had gone to women, a development he described as good for gender emancipation.
In this expose, Inspectors have landed on a secret group of women which is helping produce several ladies he keeps appointing to key positions in the government.


In 2016, a group of ladies came together and founded what they termed as ‘Visionary Women’. The group involving strictly former female MPs of the 9th parliament henceforth selected former Sheema District woman MP Rosemary Nyakikongoro as their group chairperson. Alongside her were members Kabuule Evelyn (former woman MP Luuka) and Florence Mutyabule (former woman MP Namutumba district). The group totaling 50 ladies is currently in the hands of former Bujenje county MP Kabakumba Labwoni Masiko who works with an 8-member committee comprising Sylvia Namabidde (former MP Mityana), Olivia Kwagala (former MP Iganga), Acayo Christine (Nebbi), Amount Judith (Palisa), Timbigamba Lynda (Kyenjojo), Rebecca Amuge Otengo (Alebtong) and Tete Chelengat (Kween).

Visionary Women pose for a group foto with VP Alupo at Kololo yesterday

According to Kabakumba, the group was founded to empower the women economically, socially, culturally and politically in addition to empowering the gal child.
It was also formed to act as a tool to end actions of domestic violence.
“On the economic side, in future we want to transform into a women’s bank and all these efforts are targeting socio-economic transformation of women and the gal child” she told The Inspector.

Indeed, looking at the current government set up, this group boosts of many of it’s members whom president Museveni has entrusted with big positions of responsibility. Among these include Maj. Jessica Alupo, who’s now the vice president of Uganda.
Others are Rukia Nakadama (2nd deputy premier), Florence Mutyabule (Senior Presidential Advisor on Busoga in charge of Poverty Alleviation), Sarah Mateke (state minister Youth), Huda Oleru (state minister veterans), Victoria Rusoke (state minister Local Government), Akello Rose Lilly (state minister ethics) and Harriet Ntabazi (state minister trade).
The same group has also been deployed in foreign service with members such as Rebecca Amuge Otengo (ambassador to Ethiopia also Permanent Representative to African Union, UNECA and IGAD), Ruth Acheng (ambassador Canada) and Barbara Nekesa Oundo (NRM treasurer).

Visionary Women product VP Alupo addresses people at Kololo

However, Kabakumba denies the group was started to press for job placements by the president. She says it’s only by God’s grace that General Museveni has spotted many of it’s members as good leaders.
“We didn’t start the group to place people but to empower ourselves and others. But with God’s grace, the president has found us to be capable women and appointed many of the members” she said.
Kabakumba adds that the group is also happy that 14 of it’s members have regained their MP seats and are doing wonders in parliament.

Visionary Women engage students in Dokolo sometime back.

“Many of them besides being appointed to cabinet, others like Rose Nyakikongoro and Flavia Kabahenda are chairing important committees of Parliament. For example, Nyakikongoro chairs the defense Committee and Kabahenda chairs gender Committee” she said adding another member Amoit Judith is also a board member of Immigration and Citizenship board.
“We started as former MPs of 9th parliament but now, we are open to recruitment of other members so long as you’re recommended by any member of the 9th house” she said.
Initially, a few days after it’s inception, the president immediately pulled out Nyakikongoro (chairperson) and appointed her to Judicial Service Commission as a Commissioner and he has kept on fishing from this pool. Watch the space!

Tags : Rosemary NyakikongoroSheema DistrictYoweri Museveni


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