
Gen. M7, Ministers Discuss High Sexual Appetite Among Busoga Teens

President Yoweri Museveni

On Monday this week, there was an unprecedented shock within cabinet chaired by Gen. Yoweri Museveni.
It came to light that cabinet was informed that recent research findings indicated that in the just recent lockdown, about 6000 teens in Kamuli district had their tiny uteruses balooned by randy men.

Speaker Jacob Oulanyah

The situation in Busoga regarding teenage pregnancy alarmed the ministers and the president who wondered why Kamuli district was leading in that situation yet there are many poverty reduction related programs that have been going to that district.

According to our Inspectors in cabinet, the ministers from Busoga attributed the high sexual appetite among teens in the area to unprecedented poverty levels in the sub region.


It should be recalled that latest UBOS statistics on poverty indicated that Busoga continues to lead in poverty levels in the country compared to other regions in the country. The statistics showed that Busoga sub-region has 14.5 percent a figure higher than any other region in the country.

What shocked cabinet however, was the fact that Kamuli district which has always enjoyed numerous poverty reduction related programs is leading in the high teenage pregnancy. The ministers were pretty sure that high sexual activity among teens in Busoga is as a result of untold poverty in the region.

“Your Excellency, it’s only in Busoga where one can get a wife after paying two goats and a cock. Really, who doesn’t know how nice Basoga ladies can cook? We cook delicious dishes. But here we are, you marry someone after paying merely two goats and a cock? In Karamoja, you can’t get a wife minus paying so many cows. In your own region Your Excellency, you can’t get a wife if you pay less than 10 cows. This shows there’s a big problem in Busoga” state minister for housing also Bukono county MP princess Persis Namuganza assured Museveni as ministers broke into rib-breaking laughter.

She went on ‘Your Excellency, I am happy to note that Namutumba district is having less such cases of teenage pregnancies. But I also want to add that this success is as a result of the work done by your sister the former MP for Namutumba hon. Florence Mutyabule. She initiated many projects that impacted greatly on youth. I am happy to note that you have appointed her as a Senior Presidential Advisor on Busoga to fight poverty. She will not disappoint if she’s fully empowered. Your Excellency, I want to report to you that the SPA is struggling in the field. You have not given her the tools to do her work”
After listening carefully and nodding several times in affirmative, Gen. Museveni told ministers that he was going to make the Busoga office vibrant this coming year. He said he hadn’t done so in this year because of the election and it’s impact on the economy.

“Usually, the year after elections, we suffer financial constraints. Then this issue of Covid came in and worsened the situation. But this coming year, I am going to fully empower her to do miracles for me in that area. Busoga can’t continue like this. I am going to talk to her and we see where to begin from. But I am getting good reports about what she’s doing so far” inspectors quoted Museveni as telling his ministers.

Kamuli district is represented by former speaker Rebecca Kadaga who is now minister for EAC. Last week, her nemesis and now speaker Jacob Oulanyah raided Kamuli where he was showered with praises by area bigwigs who claimed they had been dominated for so long by ‘Kamuli’.

We are told the embedded in Oulanyah’s visit to Kamuli was for him to get a glimpse of what development had gone to the districts of Busoga including Kamuli. However, all briefs he got showed that Kamuli was still lagging behind in terms of development just like any other districts in Busoga. The speaker went to Kamuli and acted like a local chief as local bigwigs tried to prostrate before him in show of respect to him. Watch the space!

Tags : EACJacob OulanyahKamuli DistrictNRM GOVERNMENTPresident MuseveniRebecca Kadaga


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