
Uncertainty for students as Makerere releases examination dates

Alfred Namoah Masikye

Continuing students at Makerere University are locked in uncertainty over the actual mode of examinations that will be administered to them. This comes moments after the university’s Academic Registrar Alfred Namoah Masikye released communication confirming end of semester one examination dates.

“The university has scheduled the examinations to start on 13th September 2021 and run up to 30th September 2021. First year and continuing students who have pending semester one examinations are informed accordingly and should prepare to sit the examinations,” in part, read Namoah’s memo.

The registrar revealed that the said dates were arrived at following several meetings that were held as well as consultations with stakeholders to come up with alternative modes of assessment for completion of Semester One 2020/2021 examinations.

Consequently, the University Council approved the alternative modes of assessment while college/school academic boards also met, reviewed, selected and submitted the most appropriate alternative modes of assessment for their respective course units.

Students’ Dilemma

However, a student leader that spoke to the inspector on condition of anonymity revealed that despite the said selection of assessment modes by the colleges, little or no work has been done to sensitize the students about them.

“Right now many of us are reading that we have neither been told nor trained on the mode of assessment through which we shall be examined. We are now waiting to see whether they will teach us in the coming days or some miracle will just happen,” the student said.

But despite the limited time remaining, the students will take solace in the fact that in his communication, Namoah urged the different college administrators to ensure that students are sensitized about the modes before examination day.

“Colleges/Schools have drawn up and published detailed examination schedules and timetables. College registrars have been requested to work with deans, heads of departments and examination coordinators to display and publicise the detailed examination schedules and timetables. In addition, Deans/heads of department/college registrars should provide relevant information and sensitize students on these examination modalities,” Namoah guided. Students are also urged to contact college registrars to help them register on the new DICTS Portal.

Tags : Alfred Namoah MasikyeMakerere University

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