
Top Politicians Shower Birthday Praises To DS Anita Annet Among

Today November 23, something big is happening in the life of deputy speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among aka 3As!
On such a date every year, the lady from Bukedea adds another year on her age bundle.

As such, several politicians including former MPs are showering 3As with praises asking God to grant her more days, hours and years of peace and wisdom as she marks her new birthdate.

Uganda’s ambassador to Ethiopia Amb. Amuge Rebecca Otengo tweeted ‘happy birthday Rt. Hon. Anita. May this day bring you wisdom and blessings from the Lord’

Another member added ‘God always sends his loved ones as sacrifices for our well being. On this date, an angel of a golden heart was born. We don’t know what we can give back to him for a loving, caring and incomparable gift of a human being you (Anita) are. You’re our Alpha and Omega, you’re the voice of the voiceless. You are a mother and good leader. We celebrate your birthday and pray to God to always keep you strong, focused and his will to always be accomplished and assigned to you’

Former state minister for ethics Tim Lwanga who shares the same birthdate with 3As, also made his wishes clear.
“Have a happy birthday madam speaker. May God bless you with many more years of a healthy life and service to our nation Uganda” he says.

Well, there are more and more such best wishes to our dear deputy speaker. Here at The Inspector, we join the rest of the world to wish you a happy birthday.

Tags : BUKEDEADeputy SpeakerRt. Hon. Anita AmongUganda Parliament


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