
Thugs Break Into Namabya S/C, Vandalize Office Valuables

By Emma Bwayo

Namabya Subcounty (Namisindwa District) leaders are still engulfed in shock after thugs broke into the Sub-County offices. The incident took place Monday night as everyone had retired to his or her home after work. The goons are said to have run away with unspecified office items and documents.

Wanzusi Joseph “Brazil” local leader says the incident has shocked everyone. He said the goons threw part of the loot including chairs along the road which they have since recovered totaling to 10.

Wanzusi explained that the padlock meant for the office of chairman LCIII and Sub County chief were cut and thrown near the road.
By press time, they were still waiting for the police dog to trace for the criminals.

Julie Namaara Salome says cases of robbery are on increase in Namisindwa.
She attributes this to poor parenting, over drinking and gambling especially by idle youths. Namaara says she had embarked on community policing in partnership with police.



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