
Gen. Museveni Poverty Advisor Mutyabule Gets Dubai Investor To Buy Animal Feed Cereals, Grains In Busoga!

SPA Mutyabule seated between PS Kasura and the Investor in UAE

A top investor based in United Arab Emirates has met the Senior Presidential Advisor on Busoga in charge of poverty alleviation and offered a huge market for all raw materials used in making high quality animal feeds.

Prof. Ahmed Elitigan met SPA Florence Mutyabule alongside the permanent secretary, Ministry for Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) David Kasura Kyomukama. The meeting took place in Dubai at the sidelines of the Uganda-UAE Business Forum 2022.

The Forum was organized by Uganda’s Ambassador to United Arab Emirates, Amb. Zaake Kibedi under the theme: “Uganda, the best time is now”
Areas for investment included commercial agriculture, tourism, agro processing, infrastructure, real estate, minerals, oil and gas, industries, ICT, transport and construction and that deputy premier Rebecca Kadaga was the chief guest.

The event attracted a big number of foreign investors and Ministers of lands, trade, agriculture and technical people from ministries of Energy, finance, URA, UIA, tourism among others.
“We’re hopeful that many foreigners have identified prime areas for Investment. Prof Ahmed Eltigan, is a very big investor in agriculture. We want him to work with small scale farmers in Busoga. He is very positive about this and we’re happy that he’s coming to Busoga” SPA Mutyabule said, adding that Prof. Ahmed is ready to buy all the raw materials for the animal feeds ranging from soybean, cotton seeds, maize among others.

“So we need to mobilize Abasoga to grow these grains because the market is here. They should produce them in large quantities for export. I am happy to note that
the Basoga planted a lot of maize this season, and the challenge now is; how do we target the harvest period?” she noted, adding that President Museveni is looking at all possible ways to change the ‘poverty song’ in Busoga.

Meanwhile, the news of this development has excited Basoga farmers who say they have all along been struggling to find market for their produce.

“This is a great opportunity for us if he is going to purchase the animal feeds cereals and grain from our Basoga farmers. Being able to get those farmers a ready market for their produce would be a wonderful opportunity in itself. We’re thankful to the honorable SPA” says Kakuba Andrew, a farmer in Kamuli.

Mutyabule said the focus now will be on how to mobilize and organise the farmers to be able to produce what is required by the Dubai investor.
Well, the pictures are here for your optical nutrition on what happened in Dubai last week.



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