
‘The Constitution Empowers Bazzukulu To Monitor Implementation Of The NRM Manifesto’-ONC’s Hajat Uzeiye

ONC head Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo addressing the seminar

The head of the Office of the National Chairman (ONC) also National Cordinator of the Bazzukulu movement Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah has asked ONC coordinators across the country and the Bazzukulu not to fear in monitoring governmnent programs.

Uzeiye made the remarks as she responded to concerns by some coordinators who suggested that some governmnent officials are fond of intimidating and hiding away information from those who try to demand for accountability for funds released to deliver services.

She said anyone who tries to block the flow of information regarding implementation of the NRM manifesto is a sabotaging the president.
“How can a technorat refuse someone to monitor the implementation of the manifesto of the president who is duly elected and his party? It means such a person is simply fighting the president” she said adding that ‘as our coordinators, you shouldn’t fear to monitor these programs because it is constitutional. It’s in order for ONC to monitor the implementation of the NRM manifesto’

Uzeiye urged the Bazzukulu to be alert and bold in demanding accountability because such funds are meant to improve on service delivery to achieve Socioeconomic transformation.
“The Bazzukulu want to know what’s happening. Are they (technorats) stealing the money” she said.

Uzeiye made the remarks while addressing ONC regional coordinators and Bazzukulu from allover the country who are undergoing training on Socio-economic transformation and monitoring of government programs.

The 3-days seminar is taking place at ONC head offices at Kyambogo.
Meanwhile, Lubaga deputy RCC Anderson Burora noted that most technocrats have a tendency of sabotaging governmnent programs so as to win political seats. He cited many MPs who worked in districts and others in procurement but ended up standing on opposition NUP ticket to come to parliament.

SPA David Mafabi addressing the coordinators

“We need to ask ourselves why is it that technorats who leave their jobs to join politics they stand on opposition ticket? Why do you stand on opposition ticket if you know you did a diligent job while in government? This therefore, tells us that not all those in government are supporting NRM. That’s why monitoring these people handling public funds with a keen eye is key” he said.
In another development, Senior Presidential Advisor on political affairs David Mafabi advised ONC coordinators to accord more time in identifying, highlighting and defending legitimate interests of the people as the core principles of mobilization.

ONC PRO Hajji. Ibrahim Kitatta Almalik and Hajji Sulaiman Walusimbi following the proceedings

He said the president in his guidance to NRM CEC in 2021, said mobilization is not merely about shouting NRM slogans or attending burrials and making regular appearances in the media.
“Mobilization is not about talking too much to the people or doing media and shouting NRM oyee, NRM oyee or attending burrials. All these are the butter but the real bread of mobilization is about identifying, highlighting and defending the legitimate interests of the people” Mafabi told the coordinators.

He said in situations where a mobiliser has the capacity to solve some of the issues affecting the people, mobilization demands such a person to solve them.
“The mission of mobilization therefore, entails identifying, highlighting, fighting for and solving those problems and where need be, you oppose some of the illegitimate interests of some of the actors. It is this ability to always support the right and oppose the wrong that helped the student movement of 1965 to grow into a strong movement. On this one, you shouldn’t compromise . Oppose the wrong and defend the right” he told the coordinators.

Excited ONC coordinators attending the training

The meeting was also attended by ISO director for political affairs Maj. Frank Banana who challenged the coordinators to caltivate sources if they are to do proper monitoring of government programs and mobilization.

“As cadres, if you’re to effectively mobilize, you must use sources. If you’re monitoring governmnent programs, you must have agents in all these offices and political groups. Political parties in Uganda are legitimate and constitutional but we only look at them when they cross the red line and want to use unconstitutional means (to remove governmnent)” he advised.

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDA


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