
NUP, Jamil Mukulu Lawyer Anthony Wameli dead!

RIP: Anthony Wameli

Celebrated human rights defender and popular city lawyer, Counsel Anthony Wameli is dead. News of Wameli’s demise was confirmed by members of the country’s legal fraternity as well as National unity platform president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine, whose party he represented in the run-up to, and aftermath of the 2021 general elections.

According to Bobi Wine’s statement, Wameli died from the USA, where he was rushed in September 2021 following complaints of ceaseless abdominal pains.

Prior to his admission in September, Wameli had been hospitalized at Boston Medical Center in Massachusetts in June and July 2021 with the same complaints. However, he was later confined in the same hospital when biopsies confirmed that he had colon cancer which had turned terminal by that time.

Following his admission, Wameli was visited by NUP honchos including Bobi Wine, who expressed optimism that he was responding to treatment. However, Wameli later complained of the high cost of treatment, which he said was being met by his family, relatives and well-wishers.

He would also later reveal that he had applied for an emergency visa for his wife Olive Wameli but the process had dragged on so much.

He leaves behind a legacy of a God-loving advocate who excelled at defending the rights of those most judged by society.

A Pastor at Ebenezer Christian Fellowship in Kanyanya, Wameli rose to prominence in 2017 when he represented the suspects accused of murdering former Police Spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi, his bodyguard Kenneth Erau and driver, Godfrey Mambewa. He has also been the legal representative of ADF warlord Jamil Mukulu, former presidential candidates Lt. General Henry Tumukunde and Robert Kyagulanyi; while he also represented hundreds of NUP supporters who were jailed over several election-related offences. He has also been counsel for suspects implicated in the murder of General Katumba Wamala’s daughter Brendah Nantongo and driver Harunah Kayondo.

On September 10 2021, Wameli and his law firm, Wameli and Company Advocates , were voted criminal defence Lawyer and law firm of the year respectively due to outstanding performance.

May his soul rest in peace!!

Tags : Anthony Wameli

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