
Hajat Uzeiye Gives NRM ONC Coordinators Phones, Laptops As Hajji Moses Kigongo Asks Them To Maintain Good Conduct

ONC head, Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah unveiling the phones

The NRM Office of the National Chairman (ONC) has given out hightech communication and information gadgets to all regional ONC coordinators and Bazzukulu.
The gadgets include a mobile phone handset and a laptop per person. The gadgets have been handed over to the coordinators at the closure of the 3-days sensitization and orientation symposium on monitoring governmnent programs at ONC offices at Kyambogo.

Handing over the gadgets, ONC head also National Cordinator of the Bazzukulu movement Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah, cautioned the coordinators against losing the items as they will be held accountable.
She said the gadgets will help the coordinators in executing their work by way of research, reports, coordination and timely communication with the center.

“We expect absolute loyalty. If you’re not clear, we fire you and bring other people on board. We want results. We want to see you working and communicating on the various media platforms” she said before handing over the gadgets to the excited coordinators who chanted ‘Jjajja Abeewo’ slogans in show of respect and love.

Meanwhile, NRM 1st National Vice Chairman Al Hajji Moses Kigongo cautioned ONC coordinators to observe a high degree of self-respect as they execute their new assignments.
“Be Respectful. Respect People, Respect People. The more you respect them, the more they will respect you. Our people down there respect people but they will respect you also if you respect yourself. Behave well because ONC is a big office and people respect it. Those you call small people are the ones who put you there (in your office)” he counseled as he closed 3-days orientation symposium.
He warned them against engaging in quarrels with the people as this would cause problems to the party.
“Always remember not to let down people who have been supporting us for all these years. Never tell them lies. Tell them the truth and they will respect you” he said.

Kigongo told the coordinators to remain focused by knowing the country’s history and where it is going. He said even though NRM might be moving slowly, the movement is here to stay.
“Those who are not yet with us, let us move with them. Slowly by slowly they will join us. But if you harrass them, how will they join us?” He asked.

He took the coordinators through the guiding principles for them to succeed in their work. He asked them to pay alligience to the appointing authority, understand the chain of command, being presentable, knowledgeable with NRM ideology, constitution and other literature about the movement.

Hajat Uzeiye handover the gadgets to the ONC Coordinators

“If you’re not knowledgeable, you will begin to tell lies” he warned.
He told them to avoid undertaking political engagements without doing research.
“You go to a radio, they ask you questions and you start guessing. We don’t want that guess work. If you don’t have information, say I will do research on this. Research will help you quite a lot. We don’t want guess work here. Don’t deceive people because they will catch you. Those people are informed and you will be embarrassing us as movement. Don’t embarrass us, do research” he told them adding that if they get any serious information from friendly and non-friendly groups, they need to share it with relevant security agencies for analysis and decision.
“Make constant consultations on things you don’t know. Be humble and don’t look for cheap popularity. Don’t be ambitious. If you do, other people will get scared of you. Don’t threaten people and avoid corrupt tendencies. These can fail you” he said adding that they need not to get over excited.

Al Hajji Moses Kigongo delivering his remarks flanked by ONC Administrator Dr. Mariam Nakimuli

Kigongo asked them to portray a good character; a virtue he said, should guide their work. Other principles he asked them to adhere to included obedience, faithfulness, hardwork, commitment and trustworthiness.

“If you lose trust in the public, you become nothing. You’re going to be our eyes. What you don’t know about our manifesto don’t talk. You should be conversant with facts about what we have implemented, where we are and what’s pending” he said adding that communication is key in their job. He urged them not to report on things they have no facts about.

The ONC administrator Dr. Mariam Nakimuli also briefed the coordinators about the employability skills. Among them included teamwork, time management, communication, hardworking among others.

ONC Coordinators listening to the speech

“ONC team is mandated to ensure that the president’s initiatives are put into play. We’re looking at Mzee’s comeback (2026) at 90%. So, we have a cause to work hard” she said.



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