
PDM Funds Not Political Donations — Bashaasha Warns

Bashaasha (3rd R) attending the Emyooga event in Bushenyi

Manifesto Implementation Unit (MIU) Director, Willis Bashaasha, has cautioned Ugandans against misappropriating parish development model funds, saying violators will face very grave consequences.

While facilitating at the event to monitor the Emyooga funds by Microfinance Minister Haruna Kasolo, Bashaasha reminded Ugandans slated to receive PDM assistance that the funds are not a political donation but rather seed money for socioeconomic transformation for beneficiaries.

“There has been a tendency by many Ugandans to abuse poverty alleviation funds from the government. Many beneficiaries think that these funds are political donations and/or tokens for voting the NRM government in elections. I want to remind our people that this money is meant to empower you socioeconomically by giving you capital that you may not be in position to source on your own. Please use this money honestly because there will be strong ramifications for misappropriation of PDM funds,” Bashaasha warned at the function which took place last Friday at Bushenyi district Multi-Purpose Hall.

At the same function, Bashaasha also lashed out at saboteurs who either distort the government message thus misleading the masses on such money or spread lies about such well-intentioned programmes.

“Most enemies of progress, majorly for selfish political reasons, mislead our people by telling them that ‘that’s your money just eat it’. Others misrepresent the programmes as being useless and without footprint on the ground yet we always have many beneficiaries whose livelihoods are changed despite some few challenges here and there,” he said.

He cited the example of a group of MPs who were sent to assess the progress of Emyooga funds in Bushenyi and in their report they simply wrote that there was nothing being done completely.

“Some time back, Parliament sent in some Members of Parliament to assess the program (Emyooga) and in their assessment report, they raised reports of ghost groups. Some MP from this area reported that there was no Emyooga programme on ground, only to be saved by Hon. Annette Katusiime Mugisha (Bushenyi woman MP),who proved that the program existed; save for some few hiccups,” he said.

He therefore warned that this time round government is ready to battle any such saboteurs because it must deliver its manifesto promises to Ugandans.


Meanwhile, the office of the president has commenced manifesto strategic meetings for the various stakeholders tasked with implementation of the 2021-2026. The meetings are coordinated by the Manifesto Implementation Unit and will be held for such focal people throughout the country.

Willis Bashaasha, the MIU Director revealed that the first phase of these meetings will take place on Wednesday and Thursday February 23 and 24 respectively at the Office of the President Conference Hall.

“This is the inception meeting on the 2021-2026 Manifesto commitments and implementation strategy. We shall begin by meeting stakeholders within the central region to deliberate on issues ranging from coordination, planning, and reporting on the manifesto commitments and the 23 strategic guidelines and directives. We also want to evaluate the readiness of different local governments on the implementation of the manifesto commitments in as far as alignment with the set out work plans and budgets is concerned,” Bashaasha said.

The key objectives of the manifesto inception meeting include:

Taking stock of, and popularizing the manifesto commitments and achievements to Ugandans.

Explaining & sharing synergies required in the implementation process of the manifesto commitments.

Highlighting the implementation strategy for the manifesto commitments & determining the way forward.

Ensuring manifesto commitments are mainstreamed in the planning & budgeting frameworks of all Local Governments.

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