
Nagric Releases Hundreds Of Oxen For Ploughing To Lango Women Farmer Groups

Dr. Peter Beine handing over the bulls as MP Atim and others look on

National Animal Genetic Resources and Data Bank (NAGRC &DB) has boasted farming activities in Lango after it handed over 120 bulls to 30 women groups of Apac District.
The bulls are to support land cultivation using drought power.

“Bulls are labor saving and increase speed and efficiency in cultivation. This is routine on all NAGRC ranches situated in different regions of the country. The purpose of these government ranches is to solve livestock challenges in the regions where they exist” says NAGRC DB Executive Director Dr. Peter Beine during the handover ceremony.

He said farmers continuously access from NAGRC highly productive dairy heifers, fattening bulls and steers, piglets, goats, chicken, fish fingerings and semen for artificial insemination.
Officiating at the handover, the deputy chairperson of the parliamentary committee on agriculture who’s also woman MP for Amolatar district hon. Atim Agnes Apea commended NAGRC for the job well done and pledged to push for more funding for NAGRC livestock breeding and multiplication programs by government because they directly benefit farmers.

Meanwhile, the District leadership, cultural institutions and local leadership commended NAGRC for continuously supporting the local communities with livestock solutions that have seen them quickly increase their household incomes.

The district politicians including LC5 chairman and area MPs however, urged government to increase funding for NAGRC cattle breeding and multiplication programs so that the farming communities can continue to access them to improve their livelihoods.
Having built farm infrastructure, NAGRC ranches now act as training and skilling centers for farmers in all aspects of livestock agribusiness.

Among the women groups that received the animals worth Shs48million include Aluga women who received 4 bulls worth Shs1.6m, NRM women who got 8 bulls worth 3.2m, Alekolil women 13 bulls worth Shs5.2m among others.
We captured the pictures! Enjoy them!



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