
Medical Interns Undergo Ideological Training At Kyankwanzi

VP Alupo awarding certificates to the best performers


‘Tunalengo Moja, Yakujenga Taifa, Uganda Mpya Kila Mutu Apa, Afanye Kazi’, this and many other morale boosting songs punctuated today’s pass out of Medical Interns at the National Leadership Institute-Kyankwanzi.

The medical interns have been undergoing an Ideological Course which ended today with the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who represented CiC Gen. Yoweri Museveni closing it.

Addressing the participants, Museveni in his speech through workholic Alupo conglatulated the medical interns upon completing this training, saying the course they have undertaken will enable them make correct diagnosis of the challenges facing society.

“Ideological training is important because it helps you to make a correct diagnosis of the challenges facing society and prescribe the appropriate cure for them. As medical practitioners, you are aware that if you prescribe treatment before carrying out diagnosis of a patient, you will be labeled a quack Doctor” the president through his Vice Maj. Alupo said.

The General from Rwakitura noted that it was therefore, important for the Medical Professionals to understand the challenges or bottlenecks that precipitate social backwardness and engage in efforts to address them. 

VP Alupo poses for a group photo with the medics at NALI

The president took them through a line of what he called 10 bottlenecks to Uganda’s development that he said the NRM was able to identify.

Museveni outlined them as Ideological disorientation; 

A weak State, especially the Army; 

Under-developed infrastructure including the railways, the roads, the electricity, the telephones, piped water; The underdevelopment of the human resource  characterized by lack of education and poor health for the population; Interfering with the private sector either by policy or corruption; and A fragmented African market on account of 

colonialism. Others according to the president are Exporting unprocessed raw materials and, therefore, getting little money and losing jobs due to lack of industries; The underdevelopment of agriculture; and The attack on democracy. 

He however, said after many years of struggle both peaceful and armed and analysis, the NRM evolved four principles to address  the aforementioned challenges.

The president outlined the four principles as Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Socioeconomic transformation and Ensuring the development of democracy in the country.

Museveni noted that as more and more Ugandans wake up and select profitable enterprises in the four sectors of commercial agriculture, industries, services and ICT, 

production of Ugandan commodities and services will  continue to go up. 

“Therefore, it is easy to observe that in the long-run, our internal market of 45 million people is not enough. Already, with just little waking up of a few Ugandans, we now have surplus milk, sugar, bananas etc. 

Therefore, an understanding of the above bottlenecks and the principled solutions that the NRM government has adopted to address them will enable you to make a meaningful contribution to the socio-economic transformation of your country” he told the medics before wishing them success in their future endeavors and medical practice.

The medics during the passout showcased skills they learnt including taekwondo, assembling/dismantling the gun among other skills. The Vice President who is also the Woman MP-Katakwi district crowned the event with award of certificates to the participants and urged them to use the acquired skills to serve the nation.

Time to dismantle and assemble the gun

“Life out there may not be so easy; your salary may delay or it may not be enough to solve all your problems. But patriotism requires that you serve beyond self. Look at that mother who’s in the labor ward and needs your attention. You don’t need to punish her because your boss hasn’t cleared your salary. We must go out and serve to save lives” she advised.



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