
“Some High Profile Thieves Are Intimidating Us”


Two days ago, a meeting took place at State House-Entebbe. The meeting was between CiC Gen. Yoweri Museveni and a team of officers in the police’s Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) headed by AIGP Maj.Tom Magambo Rwabudongo.

In the meeting, a former teacher Magambo from Luweero, informed his boss Museveni that they have started doing some good work on high profile cases and corruption but however, reported to him that there are some elements of intimidation. 

Magambo did not expressly reveal the source of intimidation and those involved but it is public knowledge that he and his men are currently investigating a group of ministers alleged to have stolen iron sheets. The iron sheets worth Shs6bn were meant for the underprivileged people of Karamoja but went missing as ministers stole them.

Already, three ministers including Maria Goreti Kitutu, Agnes Nandutu and Amos Lugoloobi are living on borrowed freedom following their recent arrest and prosecution over the sheets scandal.

The DPP is said to be waiting for more files from Magambo’s team at Kibuli to sanction more files of other ministers for prosecution.

The president has already written to Magambo and his colleagues in State House Anti-Graft Unit and IGG to arrest and prosecute any minister found to have stolen the iron sheets, describing their action and subversive in nature and therefore detrimental to national security.

According to Magambo, his directorate is leaving no stone unturned as regards dealing with thieves in government.

“Mr. President Sir, we have set up a complaints desk at CID headquarters in Kibuli and a toll-free line will soon be installed for members of the public to directly reach out to us” he informed Museveni.

Meanwhile, the Director of Human Resource Development at Uganda Police Force, AIGP Gen. Godfrey Golooba thanked CiC for the trust he put in them to professionalize the force. 

He further briefed the President that the three months’ refresher course on criminal investigations and intelligence at Kabalye Police Training School has been successful and another batch of 77 officers will report for a similar course on the 13th of May 2023.

We got it authoritatively that Museveni told the CID bosses that since NRM has fought all wars to stabilize the country, the remaining part is dealing with thugs in government. He however, told CID officers that for them to do a clean job, they should first clean their house.

“The little war is against thieves and you can deal with them” he said adding that ‘but you must start by being clean yourselves’

The man from Rwakitura underscored the need to strengthen peace and security in order for Uganda to continue achieving the desired socio-economic transformation.

“Insecurity retards development because businesses cannot thrive.

If there’s rampant crime, there will be no socio-economic transformation. We must have peace and a crime free society. If there’s crime and insecurity, investors cannot come here because the cost of doing business is very high” he said as he gave a lecture of opportunity to 67 top cops under the CID at State House.

Museveni said CID officers have got a very critical role in shaping socio-economic transformation.

He cited areas in Kampala like Munyonyo and Kansanga in Makindye East, where  foreigners from their unstable countries are now running successful businesses in Uganda because of the prevailing peace. 

The president described these foreigners as wealth creators who need peace, so they do not run away to take their businesses elsewhere.

“I want to remind you officers to always do your work keeping in mind the ideology of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) that is anchored on 4 principles of Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Socio-Economic Transformation and Democracy” Museveni told them.

The President further noted that the only way Africa can have a prosperous life is to engage in production of a good or a service and sell it and not through begging. He challenged all Ugandans to get involved in the four sectors of wealth creation namely; commercial agriculture, manufacturing, services and ICT.

The Commander in Chief further thanked the Police authorities for listening to his advice to continue training their officers, saying when they came to power in 1986, they realized that part of the problem of security and the fight against crime in Africa was ideological and people were not able to do their work because they didn’t know what their societies needed. 

“It’s good to have these courses to know how to fight crime but also the vision of society of how the future should be. Political management is like medicine. If the patient is to be saved, the doctor must get the diagnosis correct,” Gen Museveni said, adding that many of the African countries are unstable because they are not able to diagnose their problems properly.

The meeting was attended by among others; Assistant Commissioner of Police Emitu Ezekiel and the Director CID Training School Kabalye, Ramathan Doka.

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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