
VP Alupo Asks Europeans To De-escalate Ukraine Conflict

VP Alupo poses for a photo with diplomats, ministers and MPs

Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo has asked European nations to embrace dialogue so as to end the war in Ukraine.
The vice President made the remarks last evening while addressing European diplomats, ministers, members of parliament and other dignitaries who attended the Europe Day celebrations in Kampala.

Alupo who is also the Katakwi district woman MP, noted that it was sad that this year’s Europe Day comes when the continent is facing another war [Ukraine], and therefore urged all parties to stop military action and sit on the negotiation table.

“War and conflict anywhere around the World is of serious concern to Uganda as it leads to political, social, economic and humanitarian challenges. We call on all the parties to refrain from the escalation of warfare, cease hostilities, de-escalate the conflict by diplomatic means and pursue mechanisms for dialogue and peaceful resolution” she said. 

The vice president said as a country; Uganda at the International level, values the system of multilateralism that has emerged as the guarantor of International peace and security since the Second World War.
She commended the EU for its continued support towards Uganda’s socio economic development and transformation agenda.

“The EU is one of our major development partners. As government, we appreciate you for extending support and cooperation in areas that are crucial for the development of the country such as infrastructure, energy, agriculture and supporting the Country to address key development challenges” she said. 

VP Alupo interacts with the Ambassador

Alupo said that Uganda is currently implementing its Third National Development Plan (NDPIII), a 5-year national policy with a multi-sectoral approach from 2020/21 –2024/25.  She explained  that the strategic objectives of the NDPIII include among others, to enhance value addition in key growth opportunities; to strengthen the private sector capacity to drive growth and create jobs; to consolidate and increase the stock and quality of productive infrastructure; to increase the productivity and social wellbeing of the population and the quality of life.
“I have the honor to reiterate that the Government of Uganda remains committed to our excellent cooperation in various fields for our mutual benefit” she said.

The Vice President, on behalf of the Government, congratulated the people of Europe through the entire European Union on the commemoration of Europe Day.

On this day, in 1950, Mr. Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, proclaimed the historic Schuman declaration, that would mark the beginning of the long path towards European Unification. 

VP Alupo greets the ambassador as MP Susan Amero looks on

The European integration process that began with six countries after the Second World War, has grown to a membership of 27 countries. This day is therefore celebrated to mark peace, unity and solidarity in Europe.

According to Alupo, this day is also a great reminder of the need to safeguard the democratic values for sustainable peace and development. 
She noted that it is evident that the post Second World War period in Europe has been characterized by rapid economic growth and development, which helped to shape the nature of Europe and Western influence on the rest of the World. 

“Through its common foreign and security policy, the EU is a major player in international relations. Despite being continents apart, the spirit embedded in European Union, resonates with Uganda’s principled position in consistently advocating for national, regional and international peace, security and stability as prerequisites for economic growth and development” She said, adding that this is demonstrated by Uganda’s active support and participation in efforts that promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region and the wider continent. 

VP Alupo addressing the dignitaries at the EU Ambassador's residence at Kololo
VP Alupo addressing the dignitaries at the EU Ambassador’s residence at Kololo

She noted that Uganda’s collaboration and partnership has been vibrant and strong since the mid1970s, reinforced by the EU –Africa Caribbean Pacific Partnerships (ACP). 
“We believe that the new ‘Post-Cotonou’ Partnership Agreement in its architecture and the strategic priority areas, will continue to support Uganda not only on Human rights, democracy and governance but on many other aspects of peace and security as well as inclusive sustainable economic growth, trade and development” she said.

Tags : Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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