
Kabaka Birthday Run Gets Mega Boost As ONC Boss Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Buys Kits Worth Shs30m

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo with Ow'ek Sekabembe addressing the media.

By Henry Mulindwa

Sunday this week will be an interesting day as all roads will lead to Lubiri-Mmengo.

People of all walks of life will join the Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II for his birthday run as part of the activities to mark his 68th birthdate. The monarch celebrated the birthdate yesterday at Lubiri-Mmengo in a colorful event graced by his subjects.

The birthday run at Lubiri-Mmengo is however, only accessible by those with branded kits selling at different points.

In an effort to boost the event and also prove president Yoweri Museveni’s love and support for Buganda kingdom, the head of Office of the National Chairman also Chief Muzzukulu Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah today visited Bulange-Mengo, the seat of Buganda kingdom.

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo with some of the Bazzukulu donning reflector jackets

In company of a group of Bazzukulu donning ‘Omalako Jjajja Tova Ku Main’ reflector jackets, Hajat Uzeiye was received by Owek. Henry Ssekabembe Kiberu, Minister for youth, sports and recreation in Buganda Kingdom.

The two addressed a brief press conference after Hajat Uzeiye’s arrival. 

She took this opportunity and reassured the minister of President Yoweri Museveni’s full support to the Kingdom.

She also mentioned that her visit was meant to reiterate president Yoweri Museveni’s guidance on living healthy lives especially the youth.

Hajat Uzeiye also announced that she was going to contribute to the upcoming Kabaka Birthday Run by buying kits worth shs30m.

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo at Bulange-Mengo

“When we were in Arua, the president asked whether the Bazzukulu weren’t going to participate in the Kabaka Birthday Run. We have therefore come here to be part of those who have contributed towards this event. On behalf of the Bazzukulu and Chairman Museveni who’s unable to come in person, I have come to buy kits worth Shs30m” she said adding that Museveni was happy with Kabaka’s efforts to fight HIV AIDs scourge especially among youths.

Meanwhile, Owek. Ssekabembe thanked Hajat Uzeiye for visiting the Kingdom and asked her to extend appreciation from the Bulange to Gen. Museveni for the support.

“Health issues don’t segregate. They neither know a supporter of NRM nor other parties. Not even the rich. It affects us all. We therefore, feel honored when government recognizes our efforts to fight diseases like fistula, sickle cell and now HIV AIDs. We’re grateful for this contribution from the president” he told Hajat Uzeiye.

Kabaka dedicated this year’s birthday to fighting HIV/AIDs among his subjects especially the youths. He also emphasized the need for unity among his subjects as the only way to strengthen the kingdom. 

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