
Infighting Killing NRM Support-NRM SG Todwong

SG Todwong plants a tree as District leaders cheer him

NRM secretary general Richard Todwong Awany has diagnosed NRM’s minimal performance in some parts of the country, attributing the problem to lack of unity and cohesion.
He says the success of any political party is premised on total unity and coherence among it’s leaders, but in some areas, this principle is lacking.

“A party is strong because of its people, policies and unity among it’s members. NRM poor performance in some areas was due to lack of unity and cohesion. When we get differences, we sit as a family and reconcile” he counseled, adding that whenever the party goes through internal elections, members get torn apart and this gives chance to NRM opponents to exploit these gaps. He said the cure for this is reconciliation among members.
Todwong made the statement while addressing Kisoro NRM district leaders at the district headquarters.
He said Kisoro district is one of those districts facing challenges of disunity especially between the speaker and the councilors.

Dombo addresses the meeting in Kisoro

He urged them to reconcile and always embrace amicable settlement of disputes.
Todwong also used the same platform to rally leaders at all levels to ensure that they fully understand and explain government programs meant to benefit the people to eradicate poverty.
“I urge leaders to prioritize the interests of the people they serve because these people are the backbone of party’s survival and longevity. Our party leaders right from the village level, must at all times understand the major issues affecting people they lead. People have different issues affecting them especially high poverty despite several intervention programs government has been running” he said.

He attributed the poor service delivery in some areas to failure by leaders to aquire knowledge about them. He asked leaders to make use of the NRM manifesto, understand it and be able to monitor and articulate properly the government programs. He also asked them to understand the NRM ideology so that they can explain it fully to the wanainchi.
Meanwhile, Sarah Mateke, the state minister for youths, and her dad Philemon Mateke used the meeting to assure Todwong that Kisoro is thankful of the peace and tranquility ushered in by Gen. YK Museveni. Sarah said what now remains is to pull people out of poverty but however, expressed hope that the new government approach of Parish Development Model will deal a major brawl to the poverty monster. Mateke the man, said Kisoro used to be a strong UPC ground but all this is now history as the district has since fully embraced the NRM. In attendance were NRM party secretariat bosses including Tanga Odoi, Rose Sseninde, Jaclyn Kyatuhaire among others. Todwong has in the past few days camped in Kigezi region to try and reconcile warring party leaders in this area to keep the NRM support intact.

Todwong jots down notes as Sarah Mateke looks on

The ruling party in the recent general elections lost badly in both Buganda and Busoga regions with the party’s presidential candidate Gen. YK Museveni losing to NUP candidate Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine.

Tags : NRMSG Todwong


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