
Gen. Museveni Pledges Support Towards UMSC’s Strategic Development Programs

By Lwasi Emmanuel
: President Museveni has promised support Uganda Muslim Supreme Council’s 5-year strategic development plan due for approval by its top organ- the General Assembly.

This was part of the 6 page congragulatory message to Prof. Muhammadi Kisambia Lubega in his new tenure as the UMSC National Chairperson delivered by Her Excellency the Vice President Rtd Maj. Jessica Epel Alupo at a colourful thanksgiving-Shukur held at his home in Misiita Village, Bukooma Sub county in Luuka district over the weekend.

President hailed Muslims for participating in the recent UMSC nationwide elections that culminated in the election of Prof. Lubega.

“I urge you to to use possible means to reach out to the remaining few individuals within the Muslim Community to come on board and appreciate unity for the sake of developing Islam,” he said. He also donated a vehicle to Chairperson to ease his transportation as he executes his official duties.

Meanwhile, His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda said for the last 22 years, he had been searching for a focused, visionary individual within the Muslim community to join him with a view of steering the community towards development.

“I have waited for long for someone who can teach us how to hook as we go fishing instead of waiting to be given fish because it is unrealistic to be spoon fed all the time,” Mubaje remarked.

He described Prof. Lubega as a man with a wealth of developmental ideas and therefore, urged Muslims to give him all the necessary support as he implements his duties.

In the same speech, Sheikh Mubaje took his attentive audience through the UMSC Constitutional review processes that created new provisions for Women, Youths and above all introduced qualifications for key positions.

“So the noise being heard is from some elements who don’t qualify for any leadership positions and yet this new Constitution is meant to improve the quality of leadership within the Muslim community,” he said as he also thanked Museveni for continuously supporting Muslims.
Prof. Lubega in his welcoming remarks revealed that they are soon completing the 5 year draft UMSC strategic Developmental plan that will soon be tabled for approval followed by resource mobilization and implementation.

Other key Speeches were also made by Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga the 1st Deputy Prime Minister, O’we Kitibwa Prof. Joseph Muvawala Nsekere the Katukiro- Prime Minister Busoga, Sheikh Abdu Obeid Kamulegeya the former Chief Kadhi of Uganda, Luuka Local Gov’t Leaders led by Chairperson LCV, Area Hon. Members of Parliament among others.



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