
Education Ministry donates Scholarstic Materials to Mbale Schools.

By Emma Bwayo

The Ministry of Education and Sports under Global fund project has delivered Scholarstic Materials to over 1000 adolescent girls and vulnerable young women in 20 schools in Mbale District.

According to Musungu Lydia Constance, the Mbale District Education Officer, Mbale was selected among the 60 districts to benefit in the project, which is aimed at supporting vulnerable and bright young girls in rural schools. She explains that this is the second consignment to vulnerable girls in schools in the district.

Dismas Wandulu, the headmaster Namawanga Primary school says he received school bags, counter books, pens, pencils, and sanitary pads to over 50 female students in the school.

Wandulu commended the ministry efforts towards educating and keeping girl children in schools. He explains that parents should help their children to ensure good results.

Naburufe Joan and Masabi Joan both students of Namawaga Secondary School in Mbale appreciated the Ministry of Education and Sports, District education office and their School administration for cooperation, lobbying and considering them to benefit from the project.


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