
Iganga Local NGO Donates Food Items To Muslims

By Emma Lwasi
In Iganga

Muslims in Busei Central-Nakalama Subcounty i(Iganga district) are smiling from ear to ear after Allah gave them ‘Manna’ courtesy of a local NGO, Busei Empowerment Group.

The group today donatesld food to Muslims of different Mosques in Busei parish.
The group gave out posho, Sugar, sweet Bananas among others. Speaking to this News site, the group’s chairperson NANKWANGA AFFIFA HASSAN, said this was done to help Muslims who are fasting to get what to use at time of Breaking off their Fasting.

Mosques like Masigid Yusuf, Masigid Kuba and Masigid Ibun Abas received the food and they were so excited with the donation.

The chairpersons the three Mosques thanked the leadership of Busei empowerment group for thinking about Muslims at this time of Ramathan and the asked them to go on doing this to all religions without discrimination.



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