
Court Sentences Two Goons to 4yrs in Jail for Vandalizing Electric Wires In Kamdin

Two goons accused of vandalizing electric wires have been sentenced to 4 years and two months in jail.
Abiiti Isaac and his partner in crime Asiku Sunday will live to regret why their long fingers on October 15 2021 tempted them to tamper and eventually vandalize a 220KV transmission line at Kamdin-Oyam district.

According to documents ERA presented before the Standards, Utilities and Wildlife court also known as the Electricity Court presided over by Her Worship Marion Mangeni, the accused tampered with the 220kv transmission line, removing aluminum wires from the line. ERA noted that the actions of these goons were bound to cause harm to human life and property.

The goons were charged with tampering contrary to section 81(1), interference contrary to section 87(1)(2) of the Electricity Act of 1999, theft contrary to section 254(1) and section 261 of the Penal code Act and conspiracy contrary to section 391 of the Penal code Act.

The judge while sentencing the goons noted with concern that acts of vandalism cause substantial financial loss to the electricity sector which later impacts electricity consumers through high power tariffs.
She added that sentencing the two goons would act as a warning and deterrent to public to stop vandalizing Electric installations.
The goons were awarded 20 months for tampering, 20 months for theft and 10 months for conspiracy.

Tags : Electricity Regulatory Authority


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