
CABINET RESHUFLE: Gen. Museveni Vetting List Leaks


President Museveni is at it again. The chief of state is once again back in the trenches to see how he is going to realign his cabinet after two and a half years into his 6th term. The new cabinet is going to fall shortly after December this year. However, as his plans continue, The Inspector has landed on credible clues on the personalities being vetted for cabinet appointment and ambassadorial work. Museveni we’re told also intends to realign his troops in the diplomatic arena.



He is Uganda’s permanent representative in New York and also ambassador to the UN. A respected diplomat, Ayebare played a big role in restoring the hitherto frosty relations between President Museveni [Uganda] and Paul Kagame of Rwanda. He is a highly read intellectual doing work for Museveni in the Western capitals. Now, we’re told Adonia is being considered for a serious appointment in cabinet.


He is currently the head of Global Africa Security Foundation, an organization Museveni and his counterparts helped found last year and based in Senegal. Mbabazi is said to be doing a lot of covert work for Museveni in the diplomatic circles. He is ever in the space meeting various European and Western giants where he delivers Museveni’s special messages. He is the man currently involved doing Museveni’s work on Russia-Ukraine conflict settlement. As a result, inspectors said Mbabazi is being positioned to take up the position of African Union Commission chairperson. By this position, Mbabazi will become the top most civil servant on the African Continent and second to UN Secretary General on the world scene. The term for the sitting chairperson expires a few months from now. Museveni is already considering Mbabazi for the top AU seat now that the [rotational] chance is coming to East African region to head the AU secretariat.


He is an MP for Bugweri County in Bugweri district. Museveni has allegedly been politically massaging Katuntu right from his days in FDC, according to inspectors. He began by granting his constituency a district status, chopping it from Iganga. This explains why the former FDC guru even chose to dump his party and stood as an independent in the last elections. On top of a district, Katuntu through speaker Anita Among has been getting assignments to head sensitive committees of parliament where all perceived ‘chaotic’ MPs have been crucified on the recommendation of his committee. The most notable ones were Francis Zzaake and Minister Persis Namuganza who were both censured.

We are told Katuntu’s impending alleged defection to NRM will materialize in the coming cabinet and he will be asked to stand on NRM ticket in case he finally agrees to join. Museveni’s decision to work with Katuntu is premised on the fact that his father was a former spy chief in Obote’s government and it is highly suspected that even Katuntu got some basics in this field. He is being planned for deployment as minister for economic monitoring or internal affairs. It is however, not clear if the legal guru will accept this time after years of playing down the offers from Jjajja Kaguta.


She’s the woman MP for Sheema. This district used to have Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye as a minister but he was kicked out having lost his parliamentary seat. They now have Kamuntu and are orphaned by one seat. Now, the deal is here. Nyakikongoro is coming as a state minister having served as chairperson of the parliamentary committee on defence and internal affairs. She belongs to a loose club of women called Visionary Women from where Museveni picks ladies for appointment. This club has ministers like Vice president Maj. Jessica Alupo, defense/veterans state minister Huda Oleru, trade state minister Harriet Ntabazi among others.


She is currently a Senior Presidential Advisor on Busoga in charge of poverty alleviation. Mutyabule, a former woman MP for Namutumba is said to be under study for appointment as the pioneer minister for Busoga; a position that is being planned for creation in the coming reshuffle. Museveni we are told wants to create a specific ministry for Busoga as one way to rejuvenate his withering support in the sub-region. It should be recalled that Museveni in the last elections was bruised by NUP’s candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Bobi Wine in Busoga. Out of the 11 districts and a city, the president only narrowly survived in Buyende, Namutumba and Kaliro. Now, he wants this sub-region which Besigye refers to as ‘the Headquarters of Poverty in Uganda’ to be chopped from the Luweero triangle ministry and have its own docket. The special region docket will also include Bukedi according to the plan.


The former speaker of EALA is not coming as a minister. However, because of mobilization purposes, Kidega is being seen as a dangerous substitute for the late speaker Jacob Lokori Oulanyah as the NRM vice chairperson for Northern region. The president we’re told is considering Kidega for this seat and soon, snap elections are planned in the region to have Kidega confirmed as the NRM party enters a critical phase of manifesto drafting for 2026.


She’s currently Uganda’s ambassador to Ethiopia and also our permanent representative to African Union, IGAD and UNECA. A former state minister for northern Uganda, Otengo is said to be doing a great job for Museveni at continental level. We’re told there are sensitive situations she has handled for Jjajja, the reason she still wants her in that position even as her name continues to surface for possible appointment as a minister.


He is an MP for NUP. However, his actions are said to have some NRM virus. This is why he is being vetted for appointment to cabinet as state minister for planning currently in the hands of Henry Musasizi who is embroiled in the Mabaati saga. It is being argued that even as NUP has no MoU with NRM like it is the case with DP and UPC, Kagabo can be appointed to cabinet and gets approved to serve and the matter goes to court. If NUP runs there according to the plan, the case will drag for two years until his term ends. Kagabo is the man who returned a bribe but later pinned NUP on having used him. He now hobnobs with NRM functionaries.


For this one, according to inspectors it is no longer an issue of whether he wants but when? He is currently at war with his NUP party accusing him of being a serious NRM mole. Bwanika who, just like Kagabo hails from Buddu, has always preferred peace talks with Museveni on the issue of NUP prisoners but his party rejects this. Its however, not clear whether the accusations are true or not but judging from history, every time he stood for president, he was the first to accept Museveni’s victory even as the Besigyes opposed it.


He’s a London-based lawyer and a Musevenist. A niece to Prof. Dan Wadada Nabudere, Mashate has been Museveni’s confidante for ages. He is also his private lawyer having defended him on a certain bad case in London. On the London case, he was bribed with Shs3m pounds to accept an out of court settlement [of course against Museveni] but he rejected it and finally Museveni won the case. Besides, Mashate worked alongside current CJ Owiny Dollo and a few other lawyers in 2006 to defend Museveni’s victory when Besigye petitioned court. We’re told in 2010 Museveni approached him on the possibility of joining Budadiri west parliamentary race in his quest to uproot FDC strongman Nandala Mafabi but the lawyer declined and recommended Beatrice Mukaye Wabudeya. Museveni backed her but she lost and up to now, Nandala is the area MP. However, inspectors said Museveni is back with a bang, bringing Mashate to Budadiri west to make another attempt on the FDC secretary general in 2026. However, according to plan, since the Bugisu sub-region has been in bad publicity following theft of iron sheets by its children, Museveni wants to bring in new faces. Mashate is one of them and his appointment will boost his chances of deflating Mafabi.


He is the MP for Bunya south in Mayuge district. Little is known about him but he is said to be heading to the ministry for education. He is a teacher and has served in CAA. He also once served as chairperson of the Social Services committee of parliament encompassing health and education issues. Inspectors however, told us that during the Kadaga-Kivejinja bickering in Busoga, he would allegedly act as an informer for Kadaga who was speaker at the time.


She’s the woman MP for Bulambuli district. She has been a minister for energy and also served as Managing Director of the defunct Uganda Electricity Board that gave birth to successor companies-UEDCL, UETCL and UEGCL. Her name together with that of Peter Mashate was recommended to the president by top clergies in Bugisu for appointment to cabinet. Muloni should however, continue to pray that her detractors reduce on character assassination dossiers that keep reaching the big man accusing her of having ‘misbehaved’ during her tenure in energy.


The woman MP Kitgum is coming to cabinet courtesy of her links to first son Muhoozi Kainerugaba. We are told the first son has submitted a list of people he would like to be included in the cabinet as he grooms his group for power in case Jjajja Museveni calls it quits. Aber is on this list which was handed to Museveni recently.


She’s a daughter to former minister Sam Kahamba Kutesa who is also a brother-in-law to Museveni. She presents Mawogola North County in parliament. Shartis Musherure battled for this seat with Museveni’s brother Sodo but she finally triumphed following negotiations.  She’s coming in as a state minister labor.


Inspectors said that Muwuma this time may make it after many years of lobbying. The last time he lobbied for appointment was through then speaker Rebecca Kadaga but nothing happened. This time round, Muwuma we’re told is using all fronts to have his name appear on the list. True, inspectors told us that his name is featuring on the list of those being vetted but as to whether he will make it to the final list, it is a matter for the man from Rwakitura to decide!


She is a former minister and MP for Mawokota North. Most importantly, she is a former PPS to Gen. Museveni and no doubt the longest serving one. Amelia is coming back not only to cabinet but also as an MP. Her name was forwarded to Museveni alongside that of Ruth Nankabirwa for the position of prime minister by the Anglican Church but Mzee decided otherwise and appointed Robinah Nabbanja. Others are Eng. Ian Kyeyune, Maj. James Kinobe, Muyanja Ssenyonga, Charles Ayume, Fred Opolot, Lillian Ikulumet, Kayagi Netelesire, Winnie Kiiza and Kassiano Wadri Ezati. Watch out for more names!

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDAUganda Parliament


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