
Bishop Who Forwarded Dr. Goreti Kitutu’s Name To Gen. Museveni For Cabinet Appointment Unveiled!


As embattled minister for Karamoja affairs Dr. Maria Goreti Kitutu battles a censure move against her over alleged theft of relief items meant for underprivileged people of Karamoja, new clues regarding how her appointment came into force have emerged.

The hon. Kitutu who’s also the woman MP for Manafwa according to what we gathered, came to that position after one of the prominent clergies Bishop Patrick M Gidudu of Mbale Diocese forwarded her name to Gen. Museveni beseeching him to name her a minister.

Whereas the man of God could have acted with good intentions in advising the president, his recommendee Kitutu seems to have been overpowered by Satan just like the serpent convinced Eve to test the forbidden fruit!
So tempting the serpent was to Eve according to the book of Genesis 3, that after Eve agreeing to eat the fruit, it also told her that she should also give the same fruit to unsuspecting Adam who also chewed only to realize later that he was naked and hid from his master God!

According to what so far has come out, Kitutu who herself allegedly feasted on the Karamoja Iron sheets fruit first, went ahead and donated the same forbidden iron sheets to other unsuspecting ministers like Matia Kasaija, Amos Lugoloobi, Jennifer Namuyangu, Henry Musasizi, Robinah Nabbanja among others who claim they never asked for the fruits in form of iron sheets.

In fact, Kasaija has assured the nation that the sheets found him at his home only to see them in his compound. Interestingly, just like Adam ate the fruit, Kasaija and Lugoloobi went ahead and used the forbidden sheets in their localities with Lugoloobi using them to roof his goat shed! He has however, since deroofed the shed after God in form of investigators landed on the sheets!
Now, we have learnt that Kitutu is actually facing a double jeopardy of sorts. To begin with, her relatives were arrested over the sheets, she’s also facing a censure but at the same time, must assemble her letter of explanation to the man of God who recommended her for cabinet appointment.

In a letter our Inspectors in State House chanced on, Bishop Patrick M Gidudu assured Gen. Museveni that in making his cabinet, he needed people who are selfless and people-centered if he was to address concerns of the youths who seem to have voted for Robert Kyagulanyi.
In the letter, the Bishop after making Kitutu number one on the list, he added Irene Muloni woman MP Bulambuli, Godfrey Mutembu MP Butiru county and UK-based lawyer Peter Magomu Mashate in descending order. The president however, selected only Dr. Kitutu and opted for other names including equally troubled Agnes Nandutu, Dominic Gidudu and Magode Ikuya.

“As Christians and therefore community counselors, we would like to assure your Excellency that we stand with you in your efforts to this youth social imbalance and or perceived imbalance by preaching and showing the youth Hope through our forums. The message of hope represents the future of this next generation as youth who are aged 13yrs today would be 18yrs in 2026 and therefore of voting age’. This is therefore a fertile ground of minds of the youth to embrace this message of hope and faith in government programs and it’s partly the reason we’re making this humble request for inclusion in your cabinet the following people or some of them to assist you in actualizing this message of hope amongst the critical mass of these youth challenges” he said in his letter.

The bishop added that “Your Excellency, perception is very crucial and what is also needed today amongst the youth, is a perception of hope reflected in SELFLESS and PEOPLE-CENTERED persons serving the nation in your cabinet and other capacities as you may deem appropriate Sir ‘

He summed up the letter entitled ‘Courtesy Correspondence Regarding Forthcoming Cabinet Appointment Specifically In The Interest Of Mbale Christian Community And Wider Public Good’ with a brief background of the possible nominees.

Our Inspectors told us that the Pilate who lives in Kasanvu-Namanyonyi (Mbale City), ever since the saga involving his person Dr. Kitutu came up, is crestfallen and is using the current Lent period to preach words of morality and integrity.

“We need to serve our people with dignity. Let us use this lent period to reflect on our thoughts and actions. When in position of leadership, serve beyond self. Be humble and honest. This makes God happy and you will always be rewarded” an inspector quoted the now retired Bishop as saying.

Kitutu and a line of other ministers are currently swimming in muddy waters after it emerged that they shared iron sheets meant for needy people of Karamoja. Shockingly though, the investigators also found iron sheets in Butiru being vended in a local hardware shop, meaning on this list, it’s only Irene Muloni and Peter Magomu Mashate who remain standing! Watch this space!


The author vega

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