
ONC Boss Hajat Uzeiye Donates Food Items To Wakiso NRM Supporters As Party Moves To Rejuvenate Wakiso District Support!

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo hands over cows to Hajji Kiyimba as RDC looks on
Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo hands over cows to Hajji Kiyimba as RDC looks on

Tomorrow Friday, all roads lead to Nsangi Town Council where Gen. Yoweri Museveni fans and NRM supporters will reaffirm their undisputed support to him.
The supporters will also launch the Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign led by ONC head also Chief Muzzukulu Hajat Hadijah Uzeiye Namyalo.

The planned fete has been boasted with food items including rice, cows and lots of drinks courtesy of Gen. Museveni through his Chief Muzzukulu Uzeiye who’s also the National Coordinator of the Bazzukulu movement.

Handing over the items at NRM Office of the National Chairman (ONC) at Kyambogo, Uzeiye said the fete is to undo opposition rhetoric that NRM and it’s leader Jjajja Museveni have no support in Wakiso.

“These cows and other items have been donated by Gen. Museveni to his people in Wakiso district who are meeting to celebrate NRM achievements and also prove their love for the president. They will officially launch Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign in Wakiso” she said.
She said the fete will also prove to the wider public that Wakiso people have never deserted Museveni and still want him around in leadership.

Uzeiye said the same fete will be used as a platform for the people to air out their issues regarding land, Parish Development Model, Emyooga among other government programs affecting them.

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo hands over rice to Wakiso leaders
Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo hands over rice to Wakiso leaders

“Wakiso is infested with land wrangles. Land grabbing is a big issue and this land is being grabbed by those in government. The people will have an opportunity to air out their issues” she said.
She handed the items including 3 cows, 500kgs of rice and soft drinks to Wakiso leaders led by NRM chairman Hajji Kiyimba in presence of RDC and Wakiso region ONC coordinator Henry Luzinda.

Hajji Kiyimba commended ONC for the job well done and also for supporting them.
“As Wakiso people, we want to show to the president that as a district, we fully support him and we’re still behind him as president. We appreciate his donation and tomorrow, we’re launching Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign in Wakiso” he said, adding that people need to come in bigger numbers.

Meanwhile, Luzinda commended Museveni for appointing Hajat Uzeiye to ONC, saying she is currently the only transparent person in NRM. The handover was attended by ONC spokesperson Hajji. Ibrahim Kitatta.

The launching of Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign is no doubt a huge blow to opposition which won majority political seats in 2021 general elections in this district but has largely gone politically silent since then!

Tags : Hajat Hadijah Uzeiye NamyaloNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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