
AU Boss Commends Uganda For Hosting A Successful 9th Ministerial High-level C-10 Meeting

The African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security HE Amb. Bankole Adeoye has commended the government of Uganda for successfully hosting the 9th ministerial high-level meeting of African Union Committee of Ten member states.

The meeting took place last week in Munyonyo-Kampala where the C-10 member states converged to deliberate on efforts by Africa to demand for reforms in the UN Security Council.
The member states included among others DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone among others.

In a letter dated January 24 2022 addressed to Uganda’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, HE Amb. Rebecca Amuge Otengo, Amb. Bankole expressed gratitude to government for the hospitality and support accorded to the visitors.

“I am very pleased to express my profound appreciation and to personally thank Your Excellency Rebecca Amuge Otengo for the wonderful reception, warm hospitality, well organized arrangements made and excellent facilities put at our disposal for the just concluded meeting” he said.

He went on ‘indeed the Ugandan government responded very positively and in a timely manner to our request from the political affairs, peace and security department, seeking for interactions at the highest level while in your beautiful country. In effect, the audience granted my delegation by HE president Museveni on Wednesday proved to be uniquely enlightening, politically lively and will remain an unforgettable encounter, as the AU continues to search for durable peace in the continent’
Amb. Bankole also pledged to follow up with African Union on issues raised by government relating to compensation for the UPDF soldiers who die in Somalia and those who are injured under AMISOM.

He also assured Uganda that he would follow up on the issue of prompt and regular briefings on AMISOM post-2021 future for the Troop and Police contributing countries, the plan for a lesson sharing event on Youth development in peace and child protection in conflict situations among member states among others.

This meeting among other recommendations made, resolved not to relent on a desire for Africa to get two permanent seats in the UN Security Council with all it’s prerogatives and previledges including the right of Veto. The same meeting demanded that in addition, Africa must get two other seats in this council an non-permament level.

Currently, there are five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council including Russia, China, US, UK and France. If the demand by African Union for Africa to get two permanent seats sails through, this would push the membership to seven. The 10th meeting of C-10 members is expected to take place in January next year in DR Congo.


Tags : African Union CommissionerHE Amb. Bankole Adeoye


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