
35 Names To Watch As Cabinet Reshuffle Takes Shape

Within the coming six weeks, something big is going to happen. The president is said to be warming up to release his much-awaited cabinet list where heads are going to roll. But as he works on his list, our inspectors are not seated either! They have something which we hereby share. The following names should be looked at critically as the head of state Museveni finalizes his list. READ ON!

Lucy Nakyobe

She’s the immediate former State House comptroller and currently the secretary to cabinet/head of service. Omuruuli Nakyobe at the formation of the current cabinet was lined up for a position in the office of prime minister either as PM or one of the deputies by the president but the powers that be had a different opinion. Now that the reshuffle is around the corner, inspectors said the opinion to appoint Nakyobe to cabinet still stands.

Ramathan Ggoobi

He’s the current permanent secretary/secretary to treasury in the ministry for finance. Inspectors said Ggoobi had been lined up for appointment as finance minister but an advice from Kapeeka suggested he be posted as PSST. That’s how he ended up in that position. With the sector currently in tatters as all ministers are bogged down with the shoddy iron sheets theft scandal, Ggoobi is a face to watch as Museveni finalizes his new cabinet list.

Evelyn Anite

The state minister for investment is the only one who survived the scandalous theft of iron sheets among all ministers in finance. This therefore, puts the Sole Candidate gal in a positive position according to Inspectors. However, her only alleged undoing is the issue of investors. Apparently, Museveni has been getting reports of massive extortion and harassment of his investors at the hands of government officials who want commission from them. The corrupt officials have turned Museveni into a business project as they ask for massive bribes before connecting them to the president. This is why he was forced to create the investors protection unit under Edith Nakalema. And because Anite (in spite of her integrity) is the line minister, we’re told those allegations keep raising their ugly face every time Museveni pulls out the draft cabinet list.

Abdu Nadduli

He’s the former minister for political mobilization. He’s now on katebe though he works as an SPA. Nadduli according to Inspectors is ringing a bell in the head of Gen. Yoweri as he drafts his list. Because his Luweero region is in tatters and so is the entire Buganda region, Nadduli must be watched. It should be recalled that Museveni knows very well that Nadduli’s ratings at Mmengo are positive and so, his redeployment maybe of great value to reclaim Buganda support. In fact, in a meeting organized at Mbale resort hotel by INZU YA Bamasaaba in the aftermath of the Buganda riots in 2009, Kabaka delegated Nadduli to represent Mmengo. Museveni indirectly utilized that opportunity to tell Nadduli to deliver his message to Mmengo.

“There are some people trying to tell lies about the regional tier. They are saying all sorts of distortions and it’s good Nadduli you’re here. I want you Bamasaaba not to listen to those distortions. Consider regional tier for development” Museveni was quoted as telling the meeting by our Inspectors.

Charles Ayume

He’s son to the former speaker and attorney general of Uganda Francis Ayume. This speaker died in a car crash around Nakasongola areas. His son, himself a product of Gen. Museveni’s generosity, studied on state House budget and he’s now the Koboko municipality MP having dwarfed minister Evelyn Anite in 2021.

This young man must be watched with a close eye according to Inspectors as Museveni does his final list.

Dan Kidega

He’s a former MP for northern Uganda before he went to the regional assembly where he eventually became it’s speaker. He’s currently undeployed. What we got is that Kidega if he doesn’t make it to the prestigious list, Museveni is considering him to replace the late speaker Jacob Oulanyah as NRM vice chairperson northern region. He’s now rivaled by UPC strong lady and minister Betty Amongi for the same position.

Abed Bwanika

He’s the MP for Kimaanya-Kabonera in Masala. He’s also a member of PDP although he came on NUP ticket. Among NUP fans, he’s viewed as an antagonist given his strong advocation for dialogue with Museveni. Inspectors suggest Bwanika is a good person to work with.

Moses Ssekabembe

He has been a minister in Mmengo until recently when Kabaka showed him an exit. Ssekabembe is said to be someone Museveni and his operatives are looking at for purposes of strengthening the waning glory of NRM in Buganda. Its however, not yet clear whether he has the same spirit but inspectors suggest anything is possible.

Huda Oleru

She is the current minister for defense in charge of veterans. Also woman MP for Yumbe district, Huda is a darling to General Yoweri as a person. It should be recalled that he nominated her to sit on NRM CEC and went ahead to appoint her to cabinet. Inspectors suggest that now that Jjajja Gen. Moses Ali is less energetic yet he was the ‘Lion’ of West Nile, Huda is being looked at as someone to replace Gen. Ali in terms of clout. She is said to be rated highly among the top contenders to keep West Nile alive politically on the side of NRM.

Ondoru Christine

She is the woman MP for Maracha and a midwife by profession. The dark-skinned legislator who however, wears 10 colors at once right from her lips to the last toe, is not someone West Nile politicians should brash aside. She is on the frontline for any possible appointment.

Moses Ali

The deputy leader of government business is also the MP for West Moyo in West Nile. He is however, too aged that even his family feels he has served his nation enough. He needs a rest from the demands of national duties. Gen. Ali who is a bush war comrade is also a lawyer. However, due to his advanced age, he has become frail and General Museveni may act his own style in the coming reshuffle. What however, makes this difficult is the fact that Ali is a lifetime minister arising from a peace accord his WNBF signed with government.

Muhoozi Kainerugaba

He is an SPA/special operations. He is also the first son. It is stated that Muhoozi might surprise everyone when he joins the defense ministry. He recently met Museveni [his dad] and told him that his hitherto MK Movement was only meant to put things right in NRM especially as regards fighting corruption. In  fact, we are told the MK movement has a list of people whom they think should be netted but General Museveni is handling matters at a snail’s speed.

Henry Musasizi

He is the state minister for finance. Musasizi is part of the lot of ministers who disgraced the nation after stealing iron sheets. His name sounds heavily in corridors of power for those whose fate should be watched.

Amos Lugoobi

He is the state minister for finance in charge of planning. However, the bald-headed gentleman seems to have failed to plan for himself especially when he decided to construct a goat shed in Ntenjeru north. With that failure, he decided to siphon iron sheets meant for Karamojongs. He was arrested and charged and is now out to borrowed time courtesy of court.

Matia Kashaija

Initially, he asked the president to consider him for the position of Governor Bank of Uganda. The president hesitated to date. His alleged application joins a list of two other people Museveni is considering for the same job which has remained vacant for now two years plus. According to the plan, Museveni wanted to shift him to the ministry for gender, labour and social development until he soiled himself in the nasty heist of Mabaati for Karamojongs. His fate only awaits Museveni’s decision soon.

Kale Kayihura

He is the immediate former IGP. Kale ended up in prison over a line of cases which however, have since been dropped after Museveni pardoned him. He recently went for a thanks giving in his home region of Kisoro and vowed never to join politics. However, according to inspectors, his name is sounding somewhere now that he has been pardoned. But to give you a hint, Kale unless otherwise, is headed for an ambassadorial job possibly in Angola where former ISO boss Kaka was posted but he rejected the job. If not here, he will go to Mozambique where Museveni has strong roots and there are said to be a lot of Ugandans. Mozambique is special to NRM because that’s where Museveni and his FRONASA were trained in guerilla warfare and the regime maintains strong cells/roots there.

Mwesigwa Rukutana

Mwesigwa Rukutana

In 2021, Museveni wanted to appoint him as second deputy premier and minister for justice. However, there was a heated debate within the circles and the cons carried the day. Rukutana is said to have running battles with some officials in the center, the reason his name was deleted on the final day off the list. It however, keeps popping up.

Norbert Mao

He is the DP supremo and also minister for justice and constitutional affairs. Mao according to inspectors must be watched closely as Museveni prepares his next line of ministers. Details we got suggest that among northerners, is a general feeling that the Office of the Prime Minister basically meaning ‘northern Uganda reconstruction’. However, none of their own has ever been put to the top position within the OPM. This to them; is the reason all monies that are allocated for Northern Uganda reconstruction are stolen by officials who have nothing to do with that area. But if they put one of their own [read Mao], they feel this problem will be solved once and for all. It is therefore, rumored that Mao, is among those top ranking officials from the north whose next step in leadership must be watched. The deal is almost complete but what remains is when?

Robinnah Nabbanja

She is the woman MP Kakumiro district also the first female prime minister of Uganda. In appointing her, Museveni told her that he was tired of prime ministers who were ‘office-based’. He therefore, asked her to go out and mobilize the ground. Nabbanja started with vigor and some ministers felt threatened with her work. Eventually, Museveni intervened through the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo. Nabbanja and her fellow OPMist Eng. Hillary Onek were later reconciled by Alupo. Secondly, when he appointed her, Museveni told her to help him on thugs in government. He told her that even if it is his relative if he or she is involved, Nabbanja needed to act. In fact, he told her to call him on his hotline in case such a thing occurred where someone try to intimidate her by saying that ‘the president has told me this and that’. Inspectors said Nabbanja at first did wonders beginning with her own staff who supplied fake blankets and beans to people of Kasese affected by floods. But midway, things went amiss according to inspectors after the would-be gate keeper, turned her back as iron sheets were being stolen from OPM under her nose. This angered Museveni to the extent of penning a hot letter describing the thieves as economic saboteurs. We wait to see what next for her.

Barrister Peter Magomu mashate

Peter Magomu Mashate

He is a London-based barrister and a close friend to Museveni. He is actually his private lawyer in the UK and at one time, he was bribed with 2million pounds to betray Museveni but he refused. Museveni again, hired him alongside Owiny Dollo [now CJ], Kiwanuka Kiryowa [AG] among others to represent him in a court case filed by Kizza Besigye challenging his victory. The Museveni legal team won. A member of UPM, Mashate hails from Bugisu and is also a former AG of the Inzu ya Bamasaaba. He is said to have close links with Museveni and has been a loyal cadre of NRM who even helped found the NRM UK chapter; one of the best performing chapters for the ruling party. He is regarded highly in terms of integrity.

Gorreti Kitutu

Gorreti Kitutu

She is the reigning minister for Karamoja affairs and also Woman MP Manafwa. However, things seem not to be going on well with her these days especially after she was caught in the theft of iron sheets meant for people she was supposed to supervise. She is currently in court having been arrested and caged for a full week. We are told for her to now go to Karamoja, Museveni must clear her travel and gives her extra security to avoid eventualities. Otherwise, Karamojngs are said to be bitter with her.

Lukia Nakadama

Before he died, former deputy premier Hajji Kirunda Kivejinja who was also Museveni’s close pal, told his friend [Museveni] that if he wanted to remember him, he needed to appoint Lukia Nakadama to cabinet. He in other words, left Nakadama in Museveni’s hands because she’s the one he recommended. He also talked of Asuman Basalirwa according to inspectors. This is why when Nakadama was appointed; she was posted exactly in Kirunda’s former position as 3rd deputy premier. Now, things are beginning to change. Nakadama first of all, was involved in Mabaati theft saga but it seems she used the mabaati for positive work in Mayuge. Now, that’s on table is that between her and Lumumba, one of them is heading to ministry for gender although Nakadama’s name sounds highly. She will retain her 3rd deputy premier position also.

Eng. Irene Muloni

Irene Muloni

At first, some people claimed she was involved in some dirty deals while she was still in energy ministry. Museveni; acting on that, removed her and replaced her with Gorreti Kitutu whom he told prior to the appointment never to embarrass him. The president was however, not convinced that his gal Irene was really corrupt. In the intel to him, they the lady from Bulambuli pocketed a mega bribe from Chinese and Arabs and used it on her hotel back in Mbale. Museveni therefore, went undercover and did covert research on Muloni only to find that his ‘smiling star’ was very innocent.

To prove his change of attitude towards her, he even entrusted her with the issue of sorting the hitherto troublesome issue of Obukhuuka. It is Muloni who gave the president the file opinion and this culminated into the enthronement of Jude Mike Mudoma as the 3rd cultural leader of Bagisu. The president is said to be in high spirits with Irene having executed this mission for him yet his ministers had all failed. For now, we don’t know what he has in mind in respect of her former assignment in government.

Milly Babalanda

She is the immediate former head of Office of the National Chairman-Kyambogo and currently the minister for the Presidency. Milly also has an eye on Jinja city as the incoming woman MP come 2026. However, Museveni initially had an intel that Milly was to stand in Kamuli as the district woman MP. The position currently has her friend and former speaker Rebecca Kadaga. It was suggested that Kadaga was considering going for Kamuli municipality and leave Milly who is still energetic to handle the district. Now, it seems everything is settled for Jinja city. With this decision already taken, inspectors said Museveni is looking at Milly with a double opinion to see whether he elevates her or not given that she is now headed for a tough task.

Persis Namuganza

She’s the state minister for housing. She was recently sacked by parliament but the president viewed that as a joke. He kept her around to date. However, time has come and his decision will either appease parliament or annoy them.

Other names to watch include Agnes Nandutu, Abdu Katuntu, Mukasa Mbidde, Ogenga Latigo, Lilian Aber, Beatrice Anywar, Henry Kibalya, Herbert Ariko, Jeje Odongo, Adonia Ayebare and Igeme Nabeta. Watch this space as December approaches.



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