
Teso King To VP Alupo’s Hubby: ‘Love Our Daughter, Make Her Happy And Support Her”

VP Alupo in a jolly mood introduces her hubby Abaine to Emorimor

On Sunday, the cultural leader [Emorimor] of Teso HRH Paul Sande Etomeileng Emolot celebrated his 1st anniversary on the throne in a colorful ceremony that was attended by people of all walks of life. Notable among these was the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who; besides being subject, also represented her boss Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni [see story –Gen. Museveni Conglatulates Emormori Upon His 1st Anniversary, Asks Him To Promote Unity, Shun Political Opportunists]. Other notables included state ministers Helen Andoa, Helen Asamo, Ongalo Obote and the NRM secretary general Richard Todwong.

At this colorful ceremony however, was a special guest to the land of Teso! This is none other than Mr. Peter Abeine, the man in charge of warming the cold nights of our dear Vice President.

So happy she was, that the Second-in-Command of this Banana Republic Alupo, humbled herself as she presented to the cultural leader her handsome and oh yes, hardworking husband.

Both the VP and her hubby looked every inch smart with Alupo donning her trade mark kitenge while Abeine donned a light blue suit. When the ceremony was concluded, the cultural leader interacted with the cream de la cream of the day. The Alupos were indeed on standby class One to shake the hands of the royal gentleman!

At this moment, the vice president who is also Katakwi’s best woman couldn’t take chances anymore and henceforth, introduced her ‘speaking blanket’ to the Emorimor.

Looking exactly like farmer who had hit a bumper harvest, the bootyful lady from Katakwi with smiles told the Emorimor how she loves Peter.

“Your Royal Highness, I request you to meet my husband. He is a Ugandan and a hardworking one I mean. He’s a loyal cadre and I am happy to inform you that he is part of the Iteso family now” inspectors present overheard the VP as telling the Emorimor as she smiled endlessly and kept a welcome-to-my place eye towards Peter.

At this moment, Peter who was wearing a face mask shook hands with Emorimor who welcomed him to the land of Atapa and milk. We are told Peter also responded by saying that he was indeed a happy man ever since he came under the Iteso care.

“Our daughter is a hardworking and loyal lady. You should treat her well and support her in her work and career. Here [in Teso] we are hardworking people and very loving. So, make good care of our daughter and she will also keep you forever happy” an inspector overheard the cultural leader as saying as he smiled gently.

Inspectors said by the look of things, the couple seems to be the happiest creatures on the land.

“I swear, Alupo and Peter are the happiest that’s why they move together. They love each other’s company. Do you know, the VP cooks Karo for Peter four times a week? Its only love, love and more love in the air between the two. They are like Siamese twins now” explained our love and romance expert.

Gen. Yoweri Museveni holds Mama Janet’s hand as they attended a national function

Indeed, to ensure that all possible little flies are kept away, Alupo sat with Peter on the Red Carpet and the couple kept exchanging oxygen since they were seated at a zero-meter distance. Peter could be seen breathing in and posed for some seconds possibly to allow his beauty scoop more and more oxygen!

Many people at the function especially ladies kept whispering to each other about how they needed to emulate the Alupos.

Harriet Akiror, a lady from Awoja was overheard telling her pals that such love is these days almost absent among most Iteso men. She said some of them stop moving with their better halves only during the wedding day and call it a day.

“We really have fake men these days. A man keeps you at home all the time and he likes moving out for functions alone. They have turned us into plates and cups which they keep in the cupboard. How I wish we had a special [national] day for couples! At least we would have a chance once in a year to move with our husbands” she said.

In the NRM, many bigwigs actually rarely move with their spouses and yet the NRM chairman Gen. Yoweri Museveni is always in company of his wife Janet Kataha. Usually, Museveni holds Mama Janet’s hand as they walk, something very uncommon among 90% of his ministers!

Tags : Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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