
“Women In Leadership Should Use Their Positions To Advocate For Women’s Reproductive Health Issues” Says Chief Muzzukulu Uzeiye Ahead Of Tomorrow’s Women’s Day

Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah speaks during an NRM rally attended by Gen. Museveni

The head of NRM Office of the National Chairman (ONC) also chief Muzzukulu Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah has challenged women in top leadership to use their positions to help fellow women who are still struggling in the countryside.

Uzeiye says there are many women who are still dying while giving birth and others dying of treatable diseases like fistula.
“As women in leadership, we need to use this opportunity to help those who are struggling with life. Let’s work together, let’s fight for these women who die while giving birth, those dying of fistula without assistance and the needy children” she said in her message to the country as Uganda joins the rest of the world tomorrow to celebrate the international women’s day.

She said as part of the efforts to help women, her office has planned something special for the women and soon, it will be unveiled.
She commended president Museveni for empowering women unlike past leaders whom she said kept women in the kitchen and bedroom.

Uzeiye said whereas the creation story placed a woman under a man, women are capable leaders the reason president Museveni realized this and brought them on the forefront.
“The president realized the need to give the nation direction by empowering a woman because she’s the mother of the nation. Hadn’t he empowered us, we would still be behind. He saw the value of a woman who carries a pregnancy for 9months, breastfeeds the kid and also nurtures it to the level that can develop the nation. That’s why he picked them (women) up” she said.

She commended the president for appointing several women in various leadership positions including herself as head of ONC and SPA/political affairs. Uzeiye cited the appointment of Maj. Jessica Alupo as vice president, Robinah Nabbanja as Prime Minister and the election of Anita Annet Among as speaker of parliament succeeding the late speaker Jacob Lokori Oulanyah.
She however, warned fellow women that even as they are posted to bigger offices, this shouldn’t take away their roles as women in society.

Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo

“Now we have a vice president who’s not only a woman but also a mother. Museveni also gave us a premier whose a woman. Many people thought Nabbanja will not manage but she has done a lot. She goes to the grassroots, something that previous premiers never did. They were elitists who only glorified their titles. Now, even as Premier, a woman (Nabbanja) says it doesn’t make you avoid people” she said. She said women have proven to be good leaders compared to men because they care and also concentrate unlike men who have many challenges that distract their attention away from work.

She thanked the president for identifying and appointing her to that office. She said the main challenge facing women is corruption in government where officials swindle money meant for economic empowerment of women.

“I thank the president for appointing me to this office in spite of the fights it has. They are fighting us but we need to utilize this opportunity as women to see that we help that woman who has been forgotten. A woman is a mother, she cares, loves and we’re exemplary. Therefore, we thank the president for empowering us and in a short period, we have something special for women as ONC” she said.

Speaker Anita Among

She encouraged mothers to take good care of their children and also guide them on how to handle contentious issues especially politics. She lectured that children need to be told to respect the sitting president until such a time when their preferred president will come in. Uzeiye said thugs in government are retarding the advancement of women especially when they feast on their funds such as Emyooga, PDM among others.

“People open up bank accounts but money doesn’t reach them yet there’s a budget for the women. Even PDM, you will find that a big percentage of women have not got. That means someone is sabotaging the president who gave us our rights. He wants women to come up. Therefore, as women, we need to come out and fight these thugs so that we can get our money to improve our families and Uganda as a whole because we’re the mothers” she said. She asked women to continue supporting Museveni because he’s the only one who has exhibited a positive attitude towards their emancipation.

Tags : JESICA ALUPOPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDAUganda Parliament


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