
‘Agony And Ecstasy’ As Fr. Remi Nyengere Leaves Katakwi Priesthood For Arusha After 9Years Of Dedicated Service!

VP Alupo looks straight into Fr. Nyengere's eyes as he blesses her

He has served for nine years at St. Stephen Catholic Church, Katakwi as the Dean of Katakwi Deanery and also Parish Priest of the same church. 

Rev. Fr. Remi Nyengere however, now has to leave the Katakwi flock and heads to Arusha Tanzania but his honey-like service to the Katakwi flock is still the talk among the followers.

But like Jesus promised not to leave his followers orphaned and sent thus them the Holly Spirit, even Rev. Fr. Nyengere leaves behind Rev. Fr. Olivier Wayesu to carry on with what he has been doing.

“I want to take the honor to thank Fr. Remi for the close relationship, dedication and diligent service to Christians of St. Stephen catholic parish,” the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo said during a colorful thanksgiving mass organized by parishioners to bid farewell to the outgoing prelate at St. Stephens SS yesterday.

Fr. Nyengere prays for children

The mass saw his enthusiastic flock carry him shoulders high, showering him with all tribes of gifts and presents in real show of love, care and true happiness for his shepherdhood.

A visibly touched Alupo, who’s also Katakwi’s best woman, noted that it can never be a happy day especially when she was seeing off Fr. Nyengere whom she said she had an inter-personal relationship with him.

“He has visited Christians in their homes not only in Katakwi town council but also deep in the villages to build sacrament. I pray to God to keep you safe while in Tanzania,” Alupo said as she candidly looked straight into his eyes while shaking his hand.

The VP and the entire flock however, found solace in Rev. Fr. Wayesu who’s the incoming parish priest and they happily welcomed him.

VP Alupo delivering her speech

They swore to offer the same support to him the same way they have been giving to Fr. Nyengere in terms of administration and all programs of the church.

A forever jolly Alupo, lauded the cordial relationship between government and the church, adding that government will continue working very closely with all religious institutions and leaders across the country.

“Government appreciates the unity amongst religious institutions which is demonstrated in respect and time accorded to activities of the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda,” Alupo said before handing over a cow to Rev. Fr. Nyengere.

VP Alupo, her sister Akiror and auntie breaking their ribs at the function

She also commended the superior General Vincent Lubega for his role in the promotion of unity amongst religious institutions and also spreading the word of God across the world.

Meanwhile, Fr. Nyengere was thumbs up with the Vice President and the Christians for their overwhelming support during his stay in Katakwi and promised to keep Katakwi at heart.

VP Alupo joins the prelate to cut the cake

“Saying bye to Katakwi is not easy for me but I ask God to give me strength and wherever I am going I promise to be your ambassador in Tanzania,” Nyengere said.

The incoming Parish Priest Fr. Wayesu acknowledged the contribution of Fr. Nyengere towards the spiritual, social and economic development of Christians of St. Stephen’s parish and promised to take from where the farther has stopped.

Superior Lubega appreciated the vice president being a friend of the church without discrimination. He wished both outgoing and incoming priests the best of luck in all their work and asked Christians to support them.



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