
What Kyabazinga Gabula Told Gen. Museveni About The Mysterious London Woman, Kids!



President Museveni has finally gotten the real information regarding the mysterious lady who claims to be the ‘official wife’ to Kyabazinga William Gabula.

This News site has it on proper grounds that Gabula strongly asserts that he has never married any woman neither has he ever birthed any child.

“How can I marry without informing you (Mom) and the Busoga? How can I produce children and I hide them from you and Basoga? That (lady) is a muyaaye (Lumpen)” Kyabazinga is said to have informed Gen. Museveni through his Senior advisor on Busoga in charge of poverty Alleviation Hon. Florence Mutyabule.

We have learnt that Mutyabule, on instructions by the CiC Museveni, a few days ago when a lady came out wanting to block his planned wedding, reached out to the Kyabazinga to get facts about this saga.

Mutyabule is said to be among the legends of Kyabazinga although at the time of his birth and growth, he was an ‘ordinary’ child whom they never thought would become the Busoga king in future. Gabula’s family and that of the Mutyabules are historically bonded to the extent that before his death, Gabula’s dad Wilson used to confide in Florence’s husband Mutyabule many sensitive information and documents for keeps. The Mutyabules have since  passed this relevant information on to Kyabazinga when he became of age. 

So bonded the families are, that Mutyabule was even among the cream de la cream Gabula invited to attend his graduation ceremony in UK. This therefore, put Museveni in a proper picture and confidence  that the Mutyabule family was the only one to give him the right information about the alleged wife.

Inspectors told us that (Florence) Mutyabule henceforth talked to the Kyabazinga at a personal level to establish facts about the lady. This was after the Katuukiro Muvawala had issued a press release about the allegations made by that mysterious lady denying her as having been in the life of Gabula.

Mutyabule we are told, even offered to jump on the plane to rush to United Kingdom and talk to the lady to tone down in case Kyabazinga had confirmed knowing her and the purported marriage.

“This thing is making me worried. My son (Kyabazinga) I don’t want anyone to spoil your day. I want you to enjoy your wedding. Should I fly to London and meet this lady to tell her to cool down and you get a peace of mind” Inspectors quoted soft-spoken Mutyabule as asking Kyabazinga in a rather motherly mood and approach.

Apparently, Mutyabule who wields secret influence on the king had all along been pressuring him to marry and officially show Busoga the Inhebantu, but the king kept telling her that he was still taking time for fear of making mistakes. 

Besides, Busoga according to Inspectors wouldn’t accept him marrying someone from a different tribe as per cultural norms and values. Hence, the cautious calculations he made as he searched for his better half!

Now, we have been informed that after days of torment against the king by the UK-based lady who is hellbent on blocking the marriage of Kyabazinga, the president got concerned and asked Mutyabule to establish facts for him and furnish him with a report.

But in the brief to her, Kyabazinga allegedly assured her that the said lady is imply tarnishing his name.

“Mama you also know me, I can’t reach to that extent of marrying and producing children without informing people like you. I don’t know that lady. That’s just social media buzz. She is a muyaaye and she also knows it. And if I may ask, how do I become a British citizen when I am holding a Ugandan diplomatic passport? Marrying her means I forfeit my citizenship here and all (treatment) that comes with my status” an inspector quoted Kyabazinga as telling the SPA Mutyabule.

We have now learnt that having obtained this brief from Mutyabule, the president is in high spirits to see Kyabazinga’s wedding becoming a success.

Who could be behind this lady tarnishing Kyabazinga? Is she a minister or? Who is s/he is working with? What did a journalist arrested in Mbale tell security while in custody? Watch this space!!



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