
VP Alupo Assures Ugandans Without Secondary, Primary Schools In Their Sub-county, Parishes

VP Alupo breaks the ground for the construction of the education Manna


Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo has assured wanainchi across the country who still face challenges of accessing both secondary and primary education that their troubles would soon be no more.

The country’s Second In Command says government has made it a policy to continue in a phased way to establish a seed secondary school in every sub-county and a primary school in every parish across the country.

Currently according to available data, there are 1,617 parishes without a public primary school and 350 sub-counties without a secondary school.

However, the VP who is also the Katakwi district woman legislator said such gaps are soon becoming history as government has taken a deliberate effort to make education services accessible at all levels.

“I want to assure Ugandans that Government is really indebted to serving and bringing services to you. Education is one of them. We must educate our children for a better tomorrow not only for them but also for our country. That’s why we’re taking all these steps to make education cheap and accessible at all levels” she said.

The workholic VP was addressing crowds that turned up to witness the flagging off of the construction of a secondary seed school in Usuk county-Katakwi last evening. The multimillion project worth Shs946m and located at Okocho village, Okulonyo sub-county and is being constructed by the Ministry for education and sports.

The district authorities led by the Lady herself (Alupo), handed over the construction to the contractor, Tona Uganda Limited.

“The 16 acres project land was offered by Hon. Bosco Okiror, the MP for Usuk County in Okocho parish. In the first phase, the school will have 4 classroom blocks, staff houses, administration block and pit latrines among other facilities. It will be constructed in six months” she told a cheering crowd.

Alupo urged the residents to monitor the construction works to ensure value for money adding that those willing to work with the Contractor should display Iteso true behaviour so that they can earn a living from it and uplift their family income. 

Excited Katakwi district leaders cheer after Alupo cut the tape to symbolize launch


Alupo was also mindful of environmental degradation in the district and thus tasked the district council to pass a bylaw curtailing people from degrading the environment especially through burning bushes. She said this rampant occurrence not only kills soil fertility but also contributes to climate change.

The woman MP also advised communities to get ready for the planting season. 

“You should not sit and wait for rains and wake up to plant when not planned. Please plan in advance that’s when you’ll get good yields,” she said.

She also urged parents to let children go to school now that they have Epel Memorial Institute which is now taking in students. This institute was constructed by Gen. Museveni in memory of Alupo’s dad George William Epel who was butchered by LRA monsters in 2003 as he went to collect PLE exams for pupils.

“We currently have two technical schools one in usuk county and the other in Ngariam county, Katakwi technical school. Let all children go to school, whether disabled, girl or boy child, so that they can get jobs that can sustain their families,” Alupo appealed to them.

VP Alupo interacts with the contractor


The vice president pledged to ask the President to set up a brigade in Okulonyo as it was first proposed.

She asked cattle keepers to always take care of their animals not to be left at the swamp leading to thefts.

“Animals is a reason as to why our children go to school so keep them safe” she advised.

Meanwhile, Hon. Okiror who offered the land for the school project asked the contractor to follow the Bills of Quantities and appealed to all stakeholders to do the respective roles while implementing the project.

He appealed to the contractor to deliver good works and urged the community to  secure the land.

The crowds that turned up for the ground breaking ceremony

The RDC Katakwi district Maj. Godfrey Katamba was also present among other big shots in the region who all praised Alupo for the job well done not only for her district but also at national level.

Tags : Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni

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