
UN Security Council Asks Somali Gov’t To Prepare For UPDF’s Imminent Exit

Gen. Yoweri Museveni


The United Nations Security Council [UNSC] has asked the government of Somalia to expedite the development of its sovereign capabilities to gradually takeover security responsibilities from African Union Peace Keeping force-ATMIS. The UPDF is part of ATMIS but according to UN program, the troop contributing countries under ATMIS including Uganda are exiting next year.

In its sitting at on June 27 2023, the UNSC urged Somalia to work with the UN, African Union, European Union and its bilateral partners to work towards self-policing to enable greater Somali ownership and responsibility in preparation for the exit of ATMIS and scaling-back of UNSOS support.

The UN wants Somali government working with its partners to ensure that capacity building is joined up and enable Somalia to assume full responsibility for its security. The world body also noted that military action alone will not be sufficient to resolve threats to peace and security in Somalia, emphasizing that the protection of civilians is critical to build sustainable peace. It said there is need to pursue a holistic approach that reinforces the foundations of peace and stability. It said this is only possible through priority areas defined by the Somali government itself which in effective governance and public administration, anti-corruption, preventing organized crime, the rule of law and justice and law enforcement. Other priorities include efforts to counter terrorism, efforts to promote terrorist disengagement and defections, preventing and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism, security sector reform, and inclusive politics and reconciliation.

“[UNSC is] looking forward to the completion of the transition of responsibilities from ATMIS to the Government of Somalia that will allow for the planned exit of ATMIS from Somalia by December 2024, as this will represent a significant milestone in Somalia’s recovery from civil war and insurgency” it says.

The meeting also condemned Al-Shabab for its recent nasty attacks on Ugandan troops which left over 50 soldiers killed.

Barrister Peter Magomu Mashate

“Condemn in the strongest possible terms terrorist attacks in Somalia and neighboring states, expressing deep concern at the loss of civilian life from these attacks, and the risk to international forces as demonstrated by the attacks on ATMIS bases operated and staffed by Burundian and Ugandan personnel in May 2022 and May 2023 respectively” the meeting said and reiterated its determination to support comprehensive efforts to reduce the threat posed by Al-Shabaab in addition to urging Somalia’s leaders to work together on the fight against terrorism.

Commenting on the matter, seasoned London-based Constitutional and Human Rights barrister at law Peter Magomu Mashate, said the contribution of African Union in pacification of Somalia for the last 16 years has been enormous but the Somalis need to be helped to manage their affairs.

“If we don’t have a timeframe for AU to pull out it’s forces, they will be taken as if they are occupying forces. Therefore, mechanisms to empower Somalis to manage their own security are of paramount importance. Uganda and other troop contributing countries have played a great role and must be commended for the relative peace we see in Somalia” he said, adding that ‘pulling out the forces is not the issue but leaving Somalia in a position to maintain the peace brought about by AU forces. We need to help them build capacity. In that spirit, let’s thank President Museveni for the foresightedness when he was the first to send troops to Somalia. The fruits are visible to everyone ” he said.

Hereunder is the attached UNSC detailed document



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