
Secrets Of How Gen. Museveni’s Former MPs, Ministers Are Surviving!

Life after parliament is indeed a difficult one. Some MPs after being ditched by voters develop strange illnesses as a result of financial pressures and eventually make a permanent visit to their creaters. Others end up in coolers as they fail to fulfill their financial obligations with money lenders!
But even as some are still yawning, what are others doing to survive? Our Inspectors aren’t seated and here we’re with the initial list of some of them and what they are doing to keep around! Let’s go!

Kabakumba Labwoni Matsiko
Commonly known as princess, Kabakumba is former MP for Bujenje county before she was dislodged by Lt. Patrick Kasumba.She tried her luck in Masindi municipality politics but still, the former minister for Presidency couldn’t make it. She’s now a proud advocate practicing law and looks dangerously cute compared to some other former MPs who immediately lose shape upon leaving parliament. She’s also earning extra dimes through her husband Maj. Gen. Henry Matsiko who’s now an MP representing the army.

Caroline Okao Amali
She’s the former state Minister for Microfinance a position that is now enjoyed by ‘Mr. Loverman’ Hajji Haruna Kasolo. She used to represent the women of Amolatar district but now the dark-skinned lady is into money lending business.

Margaret Kiboijana
Those who used to appear before the Public Accounts Committee under Nandala Mafabi still remember her tough questions. She was among the best on this committee giving governmnent thugs running stomachs everytime they gave unsatisfying answers. The former woman MP for Ibanda is not bad when it comes to financial management skills. Having been dislodged, she has chosen to invest in hospitality industry. She runs a network of vast hotels in Ibanda town and somewhere in Kulambiro near where former AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi lived. By the look of things, she’s enjoying her business.

Drito Martin
The dark skinned man from Madi Okollo in West Nile is still around. Commonly known as ‘Mr. Money’ by his former pals in parliament, Drito is doing business. He is back to his mineral dealing business under his company Drito Global International. He deals in Gold, Diamond among other precious minerals and working with one of the central banks in West Africa. He’s also into crop farming.

Ignatius Besisira
He’s the former MP for Bugangaizi West in Kibaale District. As usual, Besisira is still carrying his massive weight and he appears in plural form.
The dark-skinned Munyoro, is in the village but still looks energetic. He spends much of his time giving smiles to his wife as he also deals in timber business. A few days ago however, cabinet and Gen. Museveni for that matter gave him a job to sit on the newly created Local Governmnent Finance Commission as a commissioner.

Sarah Lanyero
She’s the former woman MP for Lamwo district. Little is known about what she’s doing but she is into some trade in South Sudan besides being the Chief mobiliser for the Visionary Women group.

Amoit Judith Mary
Quite jolly, smiling and shinning! Black beauty Amoit is the former woman MP for Palisa District. She’s now the deputy chairperson of Immigration board. She is part of the team that ensures Ugandans get proper services like passports and other issues thereto.

Mariam Nalubega
The former Butambala woman MP may need a Google app to tell us what she’s been doing. However, she doesn’t look faded like some former MPs usually appear. She’s still hot with her brown color and seems to spend some time hunting for the best creams to keep it shinny. None the less, soon Nalubega will be on the public service pay roll having scooped a position as a commissioner to the Local Governmnent Finance Commission.

Barumba Beatrice Rusaniya
The former woman MP for Kiruhura also can’t believe what went wrong. Everyday that opens, she stares at her roof to see if any appointment letter for her could have gotten stuck in the ventilators but waapi. Commonly known as ‘sweet heart’ among her pals, the very dark lady was overheard telling pals that ‘I live near the source of power, but I have no seat’. She’s however, looking after her family as a housewife.

Katwesigye Christine
If anyone wants anything to do with the price of gold, where it is and who has better offers, look no further. The former woman MP for Buhweju is very available on this matter and those related to tea farming. She’s into gold mining business and also tea growing.

Florence Kintu
Those who remember her stay in the 9th parliament have something special they know her about! Kintu who’s also the former woman MP for Kalungu district is a born of Bundibugyo district in Tooro. We’re told she would be doing well now as an investor in schools since she’s a teacher but some smart men in Kampala allegedly taught her a nasty lesson. They blew up her hard earned dimes in hundreds of millions in fake deals! She has however, looked after herself and still carries her gingatic bodymass. She has also invested in books and as we talk, she’s pursuing a degree in Law at Fort-based Uganda Pentecostal University. She commutes from Bundibugyo where she’s born to attend classes.

Emma Boona
She’s the former woman MP for Mbarara district. The brown lady is into two things: Agroforestry and honey. She has vast tree farms and it is here she’s also practicing apiary. She’s now one of the leading producers of honey in the whole of western Uganda and may soon expand to DR Congo.

Rose Najjemba Mbabaali
The former state minister for urban development is also former MP for Gomba county. All along she has been a full time housewife until recently she landed a job in Office of the Prime Minister. She’s married to Hajji Muyanja Mbabaali.

Fred Jachan Omach Mandir
He’s the former MP for Jonam county in Packwach until voters told him to pack up his belongings. He’s no doubt the bussiest man among all former MPs. Besides being tipped for the job of minister for finance in the looming cabinet reshuffle, Omach is a Rotarian. If one doesn’t get him there, he will find him at ISBAT University where he’s the Chancellor, Uganda Debt Network where he’s the chairman, Pride Microfinance where he’s the board chairman, UNRA where he’s the board chairman, Packwach FM where he’s the Director, or at his home giving a sharp smile to his dear wife. The smiling dark-skinned man from West Nile has a rich CV rivaled by no other former MP.

Rebecca Amuge Otengo
She’s the former woman MP for Alebtong district and also former state minister for Northern Uganda. The lady from Lango is the reason Uganda is shinning at African Union level. She first worked in OWC alongside Sarah Ndoboli as a director before Gen. Museveni posted her to foreign service as Uganda’s ambassador to Ethiopia, Permanent Representative to AU, UNECA and IGAD. She’s also said to be a business woman and does farming back home. She’s a member of the Visionary Women group.

Cos Kamanda Bataringaya
He’s the former state minister for education and also former MP for Bwamba county until voters educated him on political issues.
Dr. Kamanda is a diplomat in DR Congo, a farmer and businessman. He also still has interest in politics as long as Museveni is still around.

Mike Sebalu
He’s one of Uganda’s former MPs for EALA. He’s currently a Rotarian, Chairman St. Lawrence schools and also a media analyst. He’s also doing some business.

Florence Mutyabule
She’s the former woman MP for Namutumba district. She’s currently doing poverty alleviation programs as a Senior Presidential Advisor on poverty in Busoga. She’s also an investor in media but most importantly, a member of the Visionary Women group.

David Ochwa
The former MP for Agule county is remembered mostly as one of the most active members on the appointments committee. However, he seems to have not made a proper appointment with his voters to keep him around. Having lost his MP seat, Ochwa is back to his former business as a teacher. He runs a nursing school and trains nurses, midwives and medical lab technicians at his school. This is keeping him look healthy and energetic yet constructive.

Asuman Kiyingi
The former MP for Bugabula south is also a former state minister. He’s not doing badly especially after having landed a fat job along the lines of the IGG.
He’s the man behind the force being exerted against MPs and governmnent workers to declare their wealth as per the law.
Kiyingi a lawyer by profession is the deputy chairperson of the Leadership Code Tribunal which enforces the Leadership Code Act.
“When our tribunal finds you culpable, you automatically exit parliament. I want to encourage MPs to declare your wealth” he was overheard telling some members.

Flavia Munaaba
The people of Kaliro know her very well since she was their woman MP in the 9th parliament before being dislodged by Margaret Kisira Mbeiza Omumbedha!
The former state minister for environment has not forgotten her former role as environment supervisor. She’s currently into bamboo farming where she mints dimes like there’s no tomorrow. She is actually chief clerk/SG of the association of bamboo farmers in the republic. The former judicial officer is also a pastor somewhere in Zzana areas.

Timbigamba Linda
The former woman MP for Kyenjojo is still gorgeous as she used to be and has not added any skin changing ointment on her face or anything. She’s still dark-skinned and has kept her former medium size. Linda is not struggling much. She’s actually into money lending just like Acayo Christine (former Nebbi woman) and Caroline Okao Amali. She is also said to be doing some other business like boutiques around Kyenjojo where she used to represent. She belongs to the Visionary Women group.



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