
Namisindwa Head Teacher Underfire Over Annoying PLE Results, Parents Lock His Office!

By Emma Bwayo

Lwandubi Primary School in Namabya Sub county, Namisindwa district has broken a record in Bugisu sub-region after it registered no division One out of the 86 pupils who sat for PLE last year.

The school which seemed to be competing for the trophy of worst performing school in PLE, only had 11 second grades, 23 in division three, 14 in division IV and also got a massive 32 who were ungraded while X grade were also present accounting for 6 pupils!
Although the school administrators seem to have been comfortable with the ‘miraculous’ performance, the parents couldn’t stomach it as they got bitter!
As such, today they have raided the school and decided to lock the Head teacher out of office accusing him of poor performance, incompetence, financial indiscipline and overstaying at school.

Wilson Mabala the headmaster, among other things should be ready to explain to parents issues to do with abuse of office, causing a decline in student enrollment from 1,000 to less than 200 and failing to organize an Annual General Meeting.

According to Wayelo Robert, several parents have opted to transfer their children from the school due to a sharp decline in performance.

Robert Malemo another parent says the school has consistently performed poorly in PLE for the last six years and diagnosed the problem to be caused by the headteacher who should immediately be dumped to other areas.

Wanzusi Brazil the Namabya Sub county chairperson says unknown people poured superglue in the padlocks of the office of Headmaster, Deputy headmaster and director of studies.

By press time, the sub county leadership had opted to cut locks for the headmaster to access office to facilitate school Re-opening.

Efforts to talk to Wilson Mabala were futile as he declined to comment on the matter saying the education office of the District will ably communicate.



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