
RCC Angalia Launches PDM program for Fortportal City At A Colorful Function

The much awaited program, Parish Development Model has successfully been launched on today in Fort portal City.
City RCC Angalia flanked by his Deputies North and Central Division graced the launch event alongside the political wing led by the City Woman MP Irene Linda, City Deputy Mayor, City Speaker, Division Mayor’s and a host of other local leaders.

Angalia called up on the citizenry to embrace and act with honesty towards this program.
“I want to warn anyone planning to embezzle this money that hell will break loose on such a person. This is a no go area for embezzlers. Your end result will be the prestigious Katojo Prison, he asserted

Hon. Linda called upon the people of Fortpotal to collectively work in unison and embrace the PDM program to chase away poverty from thier respective homes. She underscored the need to have a complete mind set change and urged the leaders to take on the sensitisation campaigns as key in order to realise a successful program

The Parish Development Model is a Government strategy or approach for organizing and delivering public and private sector interventions for wealth creation and employment generation at the parish level as the lowest economic planning unit. This will ensure support for more Ugandans to increase their demand for goods and services. In Fortpotal City it will be implemented in 25 Wards

The model identifies seven pillars that include: i) production, storage, processing, and marketing; 2) Infrastructure and Economic Services; 3) Financial Inclusion; 4) Social Services; 5) Mindset Changing; 6) Parish Based Management Information System; 7) Governance and Administration

The Parish Development Model (PDM) is the last mile strategy for service delivery by Government of Uganda for improving incomes and welfare of all Ugandans at the household level. It is an extension of the whole-of-Government approach to development as envisaged under NDPIII, with the Parish as the lowest administrative and operational hub for delivering services closer to the people and hence foster local economic development.

The PDM underlies the spirit of harmonization of Government interventions with every MDAs focusing on; delivering services closer to the people; and measurable results at the Parish level in order to ensure transformation of the subsistence households into the money economy. This transformation requires organized, integrated, well-coordinated and results-based efforts.



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