
Namisindwa District Council Fails To Pass Budget Over Allowances

District councilors in Namisindwa have refused to pass the budget protesting unpaid allowances for in two sittings.
The council sat this afternoon to pass the budget only for councilors to storm out demanding for their ‘kawogo’.
They accuse the district ‘COW’ of heavily mistreating and disrespecting them. The CAO is none other than Franco Olaboro.
Masika David, councilor representing Bukokho sub county says councilors are demanding allowances for two council meetings. He explains that the accounting officer failed to assure councilors on when they will receiving their money. “It was unfair to continue with council when CAO and district were not in council” he says.

Bwayo Emma the Namisindwa Male Youth Councillor says in the last council, CAO promised to give a comprehensive report on recruitment which he says was marred by irregularities and extortion. Bwayo adds that the district recruited more Staffs than stations and currently struggling to deploy and pay them. He asked for immediate transfer of CAO.

Mwelu Noah the Bukhabusi Sub county Councilor says ‘COW’ was supposed to account for 900M meant for repairs on school in the last term. Mwelu says money was released but no value for work done.

Efforts by RDC Fredrick Bangu to calm down the councilor was futile, they abandoned the council session.

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