
‘Police’ Goons Impersonate Dr. Elly Karuhanga, Con top NRM Boss In A Fake Passport Deal

Fred Enanga

All is not well with one of the senior members of the ruling party-NRM after conmen duped him in a fake passport deal.
The goons claimed to work with Police’s forensic department and Immigration. They were smart enough that the goons managed to walk home with shs440000 from him although the target was shs613,000!

Dr. Elly Karuhanga


On Sunday afternoon as many were returning from Church for devine intervention, even goons purporting to work with police and immigration department were planning to strike!
As such, their luck landed them on one of the granny members of the NRM (names withheld). The old man is also a member of Yoweri Museveni’s UPM and has religiously followed Museveni’s politics to date now subscribing to the ruling party-NRM where he serves on one of the top executives organs.

Currently in his late 60s, the man on Sunday received a ‘nice call’ which later turned out to be disastrous financially! The call was a landline 0414……. and that the caller masquaraded as Dr. Elly Karuhanga. A well known member of one of the reputable legal firms KAA or Kampala Associated Advocates, Dr. Karuhanga whom the goon impersonated is a man of high repute with various responsibilities in the country. It was therefore, natural that the victim had to give in quickly without any doubt, after all; according to the detail before us, the goon even faked his deep voice to properly nail his prey!

“When he mentioned Dr. Elly Karuhanga, my mind ran very fast to the Dr. Elly Karuhanga I know. There was no way one could question that. Who doesn’t know Dr. Karuhanga and what he has done for this country? He’s a clean man and getting a phonecall from him, you just know, I am talking to the right person” explained an inspector!
According to the details we got, the conversation went as hereunder:

Caller: Hullo (in a deep voice)

Receiver: Hullo sir. Who’s this?

Caller: I am Dr. Elly Karuhanga. Are you Mr. Matyansi Francis (not real names)
Receiver: Yes sir.

Caller: Have you placed any job application in any government institution?

Receiver: Where exactly Dr.?

Caller: You mean you don’t know where you put your application for a job? You want me to remind you?

Receiver: There are several places I have placed one like at (names of institutions withheld)

Caller: Well, this call is an urgent one. You’re required to process an e-passport urgently and now without fail. What you do, get Shs400000 and send it now urgently to the director Immigration. He’s in office waiting for it and he’s going to help you process it. Look for that money because the passport is required for use tomorrow morning in State House.

Receiver: Dr. I don’t have money now on me. I am broke and have no job.

Caller: It’s up to you. Look for that money and send it to the director Immigration. I am going to inform him that you’re sending now. That passport is needed because the one you have is old fashioned.

Receiver: Ok doctor.

Caller: I also need your NIN. Can you read it to me? There’s also that other number down. We want them for security purposes.

Receiver: My NIN is number (he reads out both numbers)

Caller: Ok, send it quickly. The director Immigration has given the number to send the money. (He reads the number 070……… alongside the names (withheld) of the officer to receive the dimes at immigration.

Our Inspectors understood that when the victim delayed to get the money, the Doctor kept calling using the UTL landline demanding for it until the victim yielded. Upon sending the 400000, the goon changed the statement now demanding for extra Shs200000.

“The money you sent can only work on a passport to be got under normal procedure. What we want is an express passport. It goes for Shs613,000. Better send the balance and you will collect your passport tomorrow at 2pm” he reportedly asked the victim, threatening that if he didn’t send the balance, he was bound to lose out on the intended security vetting process. We however, learnt that the old man didn’t send the balance and when he tried to call the two numbers later (landline and Airtel), the goons didn’t respond again.

“I am finished. They have stolen my money. Oh God, this world. Where shall one get justice?” The old man exclaimed with tears almost rolling down his wrinkled cheeks. It is not clear why the goons decided to bring in Dr. Elly Karuhanga’s name but it seems they wanted to make their deal authentic since he’s a clean man and is also reported to have direct links with the first family.


According to police loud mouth CP Fred Enanga, there was a group of goons that conned people on Sunday using a landline similar to those of police. The goons according to him claimed to be working in Police’s directorates and to make matters worse, they even conned some of the senior cops. The goons promised the cops a juicy training abroad and also passports. They asked for Shs600000 from their prey which they paid. The hunt for them is on. Watch this space!

Tags : Dr. Elly KaruhangaFRED ENANGA


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