
Over 4000 To Sit PLE In Namisindwa As District Education Boss Kuloba Warns Against Exam Malpractice

By Jane Kitutu

Namisindwa District is buzzing with anticipation as over 4000 pupils gear up to write their Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE). 

The exam, which is set to commence on today morning, will see a total of 4769 pupils from 94 different centers put their knowledge to test.

Sophie Kuloba, the Namisindwa District Education Officer, provided some insight into the demographics of the candidates. 

Out of the total number of pupils, 2560 are girls while 2209 are boys. Additionally, she says 3952 of the candidates are beneficiaries of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) program, while 817 are non-UPE students.

Kuloba urged education managers to uphold integrity and avoid any form of malpractice. 

She emphasized the importance of a fair and transparent examination process, ensuring that the results accurately reflect the students’ abilities.

Buyela Robert, the director Mercy and Love Nursery and Primary School expressed confidence that their 30 PLE candidates will excel in the exams. 

He commended the parents for their investment in their children’s education, acknowledging the crucial role they play in their academic success.

Two candidates from Mercy and Love, Takei Joseph and Nasike Brenda, shared their gratitude towards their parents and expressed their determination to achieve good grades. 

They acknowledged the sacrifices their parents have made to provide them with quality education and promised to give their best effort in the exams.

Bwayo Emma the Namisindwa Male Youth Councilor says the results of these exams will not only determine the students’ progression to secondary education but also serve as a testament to their hard work and dedication throughout their primary school years.

Tags : PLE


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