
Inzu Ya Masaba Encourages Parents to Support Children’s Education

By Emma Bwayo

Wodero Francis, the Secretary General of Inzu Ya Masaba, a prominent cultural institution in the Masaba community, has called upon parents and guardians to provide unwavering support to their children’s education and create an environment conducive to learning. 

Recognizing the pivotal role education plays in empowering the youth and fostering a prosperous future, Inzu Ya Masaba has been actively involved in promoting education and assisting students in the region.

During a recent interview with our reporter, Wodero stressed the importance of prioritizing education and seizing the opportunities available to students. 

He urged candidates to dedicate themselves to their studies, maintain focus, and remain determined to achieve their goals. 

By doing so, he emphasized, they would be better equipped to face the challenges that lie ahead.In addition to his words of encouragement, Wodero assured the candidates that Inzu Ya Masaba would be readily available to provide assistance and guidance during the holiday period. 

The organization aims to offer mentorship programs, career guidance, and other forms of educational support to help students excel in their academic journey.

“Inzu Ya Masaba is committed to supporting and empowering the youth through education,” Wodero affirmed. 

“We congratulate the PLE candidates and wish them success in their final exams. We are here to ensure a brighter future for the Masaba community.”



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