
ONC Regional Coordinators Tasked To Form Study Groups To Better Their Understanding Of NRM Ideology

ONC head Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah organised the orientation symposium

NRM Office of the National Chairman (ONC) regional Coordinators have been challenged to create study groups to improve on their Intellectual skills and understanding of the NRM ideology.

According to Senior Presidential Advisor on political affairs, David Mafabi, cadreship requires that one reads a lot, relevant literature including the NRM constitution regardless of his or her specialization.

“Cadreship calls that you must read. You must study irrespective of your specialization” Mafabi told ONC regional coordinators a few days ago who were undergoing orientation at ONC head office at Kyambogo. The orientation was organised by ONC head Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo who’s also the National Cordinator of the Bazzukulu movement.

Mafabi likened cadreship development to Christianity and Islam where each of the followers continue to flock their places of worship every week in search of more knowledge about Jesus.
“We need to be like Muslims or Christians. Jesus went years back but they (Christians) keep studying (about him) every Sunday. So, you’re political creatures. You must find time to study. You need to create study groups” he said.

He lectured that whereas most people take NRM to be a political party, this assumption is wrong because NRM is a liberation movement. He explained that a Political Party has one ideology while a liberation movement is multiideological. He said this point of argument is enshrined in the NRM constitution article 6 which defines NRM as a broadbased, nonsectarian, multiideological, multiinterest, progressive organization.

“A National Liberation Movement is a mass organization. This means it has many people. A political party is unideological political creature but a liberation movement is multiideological movement” he explained.
He explained that a party represents the interests of a particular class.
“National Liberation Movement is a coalition of forces united for national liberation. So, NLM cannot be unideological. It’s multiideological because it unites a diversity of people. President Museveni is the dorminant political line of NLM. He’s the personification of the dorminant line. So, as ONC Coordinator, you can’t stand and say, I don’t know what to do” he said.

Mafabi also said that it’s wrong to liken NRM to the Communist Party of China, DP or Republican of US, Labour Party of UK among others.
“There’s always a debate in this country. The distinct character of the movement is defined in the NRM constitution and I urge every member to know the NRM constitution. In it, there’s a preamble. We’re a national liberation movement not just a political formation. There’s a reason why NRM is not defined as a political party but as liberation movement” he said, adding that ‘we must study and be clear about where we want to go and the nature of the work we do’
He said that CPC is a tiny minority having 100million members against a total population of 1.3billion in China. He said it is this tiny minority which has dorminated the Chinese society.

SPA David Mafabi addressing ONC regional coordinators

He informed them that a leader of a national liberation movement must be absolutely clear ideologically no matter which office one occupies whether a minister, MP or a LC. Mafabi said a revolutionary cadre is required to deny him or herself and take on the affairs of his or her people. He asked the coordinators to deny their classes and serve the people.

“You don’t masquerade around without a clear leadership. That clear leadership like the leadership of Jjajja (Museveni) must be replicated, must be defended and reserved. We must produce many Musevenis. That’s when we shall safeguard the revolution” he said.

Meanwhile, Uzeiye said that at Chobe CEC meeting in 2019, Jjajja Museveni was given extra powers as head of NRM, chairman of the National Conference to ensure that policies of the party are implemented, guide the organs of the party, assign directors at the NRM secretariat among other tasks. She asked the coordinators to fight corruption and also promote Museveni’s brand.

ONC regional coordinators under training
Tags : David MafabiHajat Uzeiye Namyalo HadijahNRM


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