
Nambozo Vows To Support Rival Nagudi If She Loses Election Petition



As court kick starts hearing over 100 cases of parliamentary election petitions countywide Florence Wamala Nambozo the Sironko district woman MP says that should she loose an election petition, then she would back and support Aisha Nagudi Nalongo other than NRM’s Asha Nabulo Mafabi.

On Monday the 16th at about 2:30pm the High court in Mbale started hearing the election petition filed by Asha Nabulo Mafabi challenging the victory of the incumbent Sironko woman MP Florence Nambozo Wamala on several grounds which include lack of required academic papers, election irregularities among others.

The election petition NO.18/2021 Asha Nabulo Mafabi vs Nambozo Florence and Electoral commission the matter before Mbale High court judge David Matovu.

Speaking to our reporter MP Nambozo Wamala said that should she lose the election petition then she would go in full swing to support one Aisha Nagudi Nalongo in the by election.

“I will support Nagudi Aisha, and I will ask my supporters to vote Aisha Nagudi in a by-election should court declare us to go back for an election” Nambozo told our reporter.

However, her position so far has circulated like wired fire in Sironko as most of her supporters have already started sharing and discussing about it at different drinking joints and small gatherings regardless of Covid-19 SOPS.

Nambozo lost to Asha Nabulo during the NRM primaries and Aisha Nagudi respected the NRM party principles and never contested in the general elections though Nambozo on her part rejected the NRM results and later stood on an Independent ticket during the January 14th 2021 General polls.

She(Nambozo) retained her seat after scooping 31,119 votes against Asha Nabulo’s 29744 votes while National Unity platform (NUP) Aisha Nakayenze got 2,743 and Forum for Democratic change and former area woman MP Florence Wadada walked away with only 1,791 votes.

Asha Nabulo Mafabi is daughter to tycoon Mafabi Lumolo of Kampala modernity and NRM chairman of Sironko District.

According to her affidavits in court she asserted that Nambozo Florence lacks the required academic qualifications for one to contest as a member of parliament.

The law requires one to have an A level or its equivalent in order to contest as a member of parliament but for Nambozo a product of Nabumali High school vowed to disprove the allegations put forward by Asha Nabulo Mafabi.

Nambozo a school teacher serving her second term as woman MP for Sironko district is also accussed of voter bribery during the January 14th polls , that she also went ahead and organized a football tournament during covid 19 pendemic while election campaigns were going on which contravenes the parliamentary election laws.

Asha Nabulo Mafabi paraded three strong lawyers in Mutembuli Yusufu a legislator representing Bunyole East in parliament whose truck record of winning election petition is high, Hassan Kamba a Kampala city prominent lawyers who is on record of winning several election petitions including that of late Aggrey Awori among others and Nabende Isaac a prominent Mbale city lawyer who made former Mbale LCV chairman Benard Mujasi to kneeldown and plead in the corridors of power to serve him serve his last term in office.

This was after Vincent Magombe instructed Nabende Isaac to use the law to have Benard Mujasi resort to his Busiu home and baby seat grandchildren.

However, Nambozo has fronted Gem Advocates and Nandaah Wamukota Advocates to counter.

Tags : Florence Wamala NambozoNabulo Mafabiparliamentary election petitionsSironko DistrictUganda Parliament


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